
October 17th, 2019




WHO: Padme & Emma
WHERE: Padme’s office
WHEN: /shrug late September
WHAT: Padme & Emma organise her office and files.
STATUS: Complete

Padme lived for organising. )




Who: Yondu and Anakin
When: Sometime in July
Where: Space, the Quadrant
What: Anakin trying out Yondu’s M Ship, talking about dreams
Rating/Warnings: Low

Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price )




Who: Ozma and Lucifer
What: Business meeting and getting to know each other
When: Recently
Where: Lucifer's Penthouse
Rating/Warnings: Low to slightly medium - there's some innuendo but nothing to explicit
Status: Complete when posted

This wasn't just any business meeting )