
May 19th, 2019




Who: Anakin Skywalker and Sirius Black
What: Anakin needs a part for the bike he’s rebuilding, Sirius has it
When: Backdated to last Wednesday
Where: Sirius’ bike shop
Rating/Warnings: Probably none

This was the price for deciding to rebuild the bike he had when he was 17 )




Who: Kyle Valenti and Caroline Forbes
What: Caroline thinks Kyle is Tyler
When: Today!
Where: Fundraiser for VA Clinic
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

Honestly it’s the most action I’ve had in months. )




Who: Anakin and Ahsoka
What: Anakin is helping Ahsoka move, they talk about weighty things
When: A little bit ago
Where: At Ahsoka's old home
Rating/Warnings: low

There is truth that's hiding Behind every wall that surrounds us. It takes a lifetime To pull the bricks away. )