
April 14th, 2019




WHO: Max and Kyle
WHAT: Literally running into old friends
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: Random sidewalk
STATUS: Complete

“Reunion” )




Who: Illya Kuryakin & Liv Moore
What: Liv bumps into Illya and insists on buying him coffee
When: Recent!
Where: Outside a mall to Starbucks
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

I feel like I owe you a coffee or something for helping me out. )




Who: Gaby Teller-Mason and Tim Riggins
What:Tim stops by the shop and gets himself a job
When: Recent!
Where: Teller-Mason Auto Repair
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

I think we might have ourselves a deal. )


Who: Illya Kuryakin & Gaby Teller-Mason
What: Illya's clutch needs replacing
When: 12th April
Where: Teller-Mason Auto Repair
Rating/Warnings: n/a
Status: Complete

Why else would she be under a car if not a trained mechanic? )


Who: Illya Kuryakin
What: You can try to repress memory but eventually it always catches up with you
When: 13th April
Where: Illya's room
Rating/Warnings: PG-13; Implied child abuse
Status: Narrative; Complete

It was just a dream, nothing more and nothing less )