
October 8th, 2018




Who: Ilia and Leon
What: Checking in on Leon
When: Before Alex gets out of prison
Where: Alex and Leon’s
Status: Log | Complete

She was the first one of Alex’s friends that Leon had ever met in person, and despite the fog of alcohol, he was pretty sure he hadn’t made a very good first impression. For one, he’d answered the door in his boxers. )




Who: Forwood
What: Caroline's a teenager, Tyler is not amused
When: First day of the deaging plot
Where: Caroline's house
Rating/Warning: Pretty low, some cute.
Status: Complete

Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! )




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Caroline Forbes
When: Backdated: Late August
Where: Caroline's House
What: A conversation with a ghost
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Basically I just have to be thinking about the person I want to contact and if they’re nearby, I should be able to see them )