
June 26th, 2018




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood
When: Backdated: Mid May; After Orcs
Where: Jeremy's House
What: Jer asks Tyler to be his Best Man
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

So, how many strippers do you want at your bachelor party? )




Who: Laurence & Mary
What: Run-in at the theatre
When: Before this
Where: La Miranda Theatre
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

A night of frivolity and companionship )




Who: Nico di Angelo and Yue Katou
What: Random run-in
When: Recently
Where: Some grocery store
Rating/Warnings: Medium at most
Status: Complete when posted

... )




Who: Marguerite, Helena and NPC!Christina
What: School’s out, so Helena takes Christina to see Newsies. Because of course.
When: During the run of Newsies
Where: La Miranda Theatre
Warnings: Low

One never turns down such a once in a lifetime opportunity when it is offered. )




WHO: James and Sirius
WHAT: Out for drinks
WHEN: Backdated to last Saturday night
WHERE: Purgatory

..... )




Who: Yondu and Neena
When: During the Orc plot
Where: In town somewhere
What: Fighting Orcs like the badasses they are
Rating/Warnings: Language, violence
Status: Incomplete but closed.

If someone had told Yondu several years ago that he'd be living in California and fighting Orcs in the streets like something out of a movie, he'd have laughed his ass off and told them to quit smoking pot. )




Who: Laurence and T’Challa
When: Earlier in the Year
Where: A Restaurant
What: Meeting for the first time by chance
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

I’m sure you’ve seen people posting about dreams they have. That is perhaps the most peculiar aspect of this place )