
May 23rd, 2018




Who: Marguerite and Tyler
What: Tyler needs some advice
When: Mid May (before Mother’s Day)
Where: Percy and Marguerite’s
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

So, has Caroline told you much lately? )




Who: Laurence and Amycus
What: Old acquaintances running into one another
When: Early May
Where: The Park
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

William? Is that really you? )



If these pillars aren’t load bearing, or that wall there

Who: Aria, Miranda and Elsa
What: Elsa visits Aria's club to consult and doesn't realize what kind of club it is until it's too late.
When: Recently
Where: Afterlife
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

we could knock them down to have more floor space, and you can put in more tables or seating. )




Who: Lara and Bo
What: Emotional discussions, depression
When: Recent
Where: Croft Manor
Status: complete
Rating: High for the end

But I think I gave something up to stop your darkness, and I don’t know what it was or how to get it back. )