
April 5th, 2018




Who: Margo Hanson and Roman Godfrey
When: Backdated: Mid March
Where: Roman's Place
What: Talking about Margo's recent upsetting dreams
Rating/Warnings: Mention of death
Status: Complete

Dream shit was really all she needed to say for Roman to understand why she looked...off )




Who: Bo and Lara
What: Lara takes Bo Home. Peeps happen
When: 4/1
Where: Croft Manor
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Complete

What the hell is peeping? )




Who: Reading Rainbow
What: Ilia starts dreaming and learns about Blake’s cat ears
When: This morning
Where: Logan’s Asylum for Wayward Girls Faunus
Warnings: Low - references to past abuse/manipulation
Status: Log | Complete

I’m pretty sure I just had one of those dreams everyone keeps talking about and-- And you have cat ears. Because of course you do. )