
October 2nd, 2017




Who: Laura and Aurora
What: A tiff during the Purge tower
When: Last week
Where: Near Aurora's house
Rating: PG-13
If you were anyone else )




Who: Qrow and Ezio
What: Ezio helps Qrow learn to fly like a proper bird
When: Today
Where: UC:Irvine
Rating/Warnings Pretty low
Status: Complete!

Gooooood birrrrrrrdie... )




Who: Tyler and Klaus
What: Tyler helps Klaus get a deal on his new art gallery
When: Recently
Where: At Klaus's soon to be new gallery
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

I’ve been told I can be pretty convincing though. )




Who: Weiss & Elsa
What: Two ice queens hanging out and talking about things
Where: A coffee shop
When: Before the most recent shenanigans
Warnings: None really.
Status: Complete when posted

Parents can be… wrong. Sometimes their advice is contrary to what’s best for you. But it’s also really hard to go against them. I don’t envy you your balancing act. )