
June 6th, 2017




Who: Team Victor Hugo
What: Making Grantaire get out
When: Post Musical Plot
Where: Grantaire’s to the outside world
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

There is life outside your apartment )




Who: Agent York, Agent Carolina, and Agent Washington
When: April 7th
Where: Wash’s hospital room
What: Wash finally wakes from his coma
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete!

This was definitely different from the small finger twitches the doctor had told her were normal. )




Who: Hawkeye and Joe Hardy
When: May the fourth (or fifth or sixth?)
Where: Out and about
What: Battle
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

There weren’t too many of the bad guys around here, but it was a good idea to protect the civilians, right? )




Who: Cinderbrations (Cindy & Garrus)
What: Garrus gets every pregnancy test ever, and Cindy pees on a stick
When: Today!
Where: Their house
Rating/Warnings: Pretty low! Lots of feels and typical 'miracle of life' talk
Status: Complete

Vomiting in solidarity with his expecting wife, why not? It was what romance was made of. )