
April 30th, 2017




Who: Clara, Duncan and Bo
What: Investigating Bo’s disappearance and memory loss.
When: Early April
Where: Clara’s diner and TARDIS
Warnings: Low

The readings were definitely odd. The card seemed to have originated in another dimension. )




Who: Henry and Revy (With Dan Smith bartending)
What: Drinks
When: Recently
Where: The Double Tap
Rating/Warnings Lowish; Just language
Status: Complete!

Finding this bar was like finding a unicorn )




Who: Finn
When: Late April
Where: His home
What: Reflecting on Star Wars stuff
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete.

Finn had a problem. )




Who: Temeraire
When: During the Static Shock Plot
Where: Roof of Temeraire’s apartment building
What: Art, watching the night sky, contemplation
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete.

How many dreams did he have left before they would stop? )




Who: Gwen and the Hardy Boys
Where: Hardy boys new place
Why: Webbing Frank, and showing off her abilities once more
When: Friday afternoon
What: Having fun
Ratings: Low
Status: Closed/On-Going

Spider-Gwen and the Hardy Boys.. Should totally be a comic! )