
January 14th, 2017




Who: Nikolai Luzhin [info]vor & Killian Jones [info]plunder
What: New Year, New Clients
When: Beginning of January
Where: The Need/Want
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: People who are essentially professional criminals having conversations about illegal activities in a club which offers anything you can need or want: adult content is to be expected.
Status: Complete

You are new to our establishment. Are you finding it to your liking? )




Who: Merlin, Audrey, NPC Ben and NPC Bea
When: Christmas Morning
Where: Their home
What: Santa Came!
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Today was Santa day )




Who: Dorian Gray and Vanessa Ives
When: Backdated: Friday, January 13th. Late Evening
Where: Their Home; The Attic
What: After Dorian's most recent dreams, he's worried.
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family Friendly. Reference to past and dream murders
Status: Complete

Dorian sat in the black, leather wingback chair across from his portrait )