
September 12th, 2016




Who: Matt Murdock [info]daredevil & Presto [info]callmepresto
What: Windows is Sponsored by Satan
When: Saturday, September 10
Where: Canyon Community Park
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Matt can have a foul mouth, discussion of violence against the Windows OS is highly likely, and Presto is an unknown to him.
Status: Complete Upon Posting

You have got to be kidding me. )




Who: Tyler and Jeremy
What: Shooting pool.
When: Mid-August
Where: Some poolhall
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Even though Tyler had nothing to do with it, he felt a little bad that he’d nearly had Jeremy killed in the dreams.  )




Who: Peggy and Natasha
What: Peggy makes an announcement to Natasha
Where: The Agency
When: This afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Participation is strictly voluntary, but no perverts )