
August 30th, 2016




Who: Veronica and Leon
What: Veronica finds out her dog is a surfer dude
When: Last week sometime
Where: The Boardwalk
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

We just bonded. A lot. That time I dog sat for you. )




Who: Agent Washington, Agent Carolina, with special guest appearance by Kanan Jarrus
When: May the Fourth be with you plot (suuuupaaaa backdated)
Where: Disneyland, 8am
What: Park opening and fighting swarms of troopers
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted!

Wash had never been to an amusement park before. )




Who: Max and Morrigan
What: A tour of Skyhold and then beginning Morrigan's lessons in Necromancy spells
When: Late August/after Morrigan got back from China
Where: Skyhold
Warnings: Fairly low, though some discussion of Necromancy

Of course t’would be bloodstone for Necromancy )