
March 22nd, 2016




Who: Lara and Bo
What: A day trip to Canada does not go quite as planned.
When: Last week
Where: Winnipeg and, later, Lara's house
Warnings: Mentions of slutshaming and psychological trauma from such a thing, language
Status: Complete

What you are is not as important as who you are, and that isn’t as important as what you do )




Who: Isabela & Hawke
What: Waking up from the dreams with the Arishok, and Isabela manages to drop the bomb about something
When: This morning
Where: Bela's beach pad
Rating/Warnings: Crude humor and language, as always - with a dash of feels
Status: Complete!

I’ve never been to Vegas. )




who ororo & t'challa
when during the Dec 28th blizzard
what T'Challa comes to Ororo’s aide during the second Blizzard
where ororo's place
warnings very PG!
status in progress//PART 2 of 2

Read more... )




Who: Trevelyan & Leliana (with Bella Nutella at the beginning)
What: Meeting with the Adviser he doesn't know is an Adviser yet, so she can explain some shit
When: Tonight?
Where: Leli and Gale's house
Rating/Warnings: Eh, not too much
Status: Complete

There is a part of me that missed that precious puppy face of yours. )