
March 4th, 2016




WHO: Emma & Zelda
WHEN: Late Feb
WHERE: Cute brunch place
WHAT: Emma and Zelda do brunch to discuss business and the pitfalls of success.
STATUS: Complete

Later is at least better than never? )




Who: Celaena and Rey
What: Learning new skills
Where: Rey’s place?
When: Early Feb?
Rating: Low?
Status: Complete when posted.

That's the ignition coil )




WHO: Eliot Spencer & Anna of Arendelle
WHEN: Early March
WHERE: Grocery store
WHAT: Anna walks into an Eliot shaped brick wall.
STATUS: Complete

when she turned a corner around an aisle too quickly and bumped into an incredibly angry-looking guy. )




Who: Tyler and Stefan
When: January
Where: The House
What: Meeting again for the first time
Ratings/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

You don’t complain of dreams too, do you? )




Who: Poe Dameron and Kyle Ben Ben Kylo.
What: Poe's a glutton for punishment.
When: Friday, March 4.
Where: The Lost Bean.
Rating/Warnings: PG to be safe / TBD.
Status: In Progress (closed).

This has bad news written all over it. )




WHO: Carol Danvers & Audrey Baxter
WHEN: Feb; pre-Hunger Games plot
WHERE: Baxter's Bakery
WHAT: Coffee fiend meets coffee supplier
STATUS: Complete

It was in no way unusual to find Carol in a coffee shop. She lived in them when she was working )