
January 24th, 2016



Fond of that myth, or am I reaching

Who: Maia and Morrigan
What: Random bookstore meetings and Maia miraculously doesn't irritate Morrigan
When: day before the fog started
Where: An old book store
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

You are not reaching, I am fond of Persephone and have read several variations of her myth. She is also perhaps one of my personal favorite figures across all of the myths of the ancient world. )



You remember when dinosaurs were roaming the earth too, right?

Who: Booker and Elizabeth
What: A nice normal dinner in Paris
When: Before the Fog
Status: Complete
RAting: PG

Yep. Used to have a pet Brontosaurus. )




Who: Clara Oswald and Martha Jones
What: Check-up
When: [Backdated] 4 January 2016
Where: Agency
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Immortality isn't living forever. It's everyone else dying. )




Who: Francis Dolarhyde and Richard Riddick
What: A meeting of minds, or something like that
When: Monday the 25th
Where: A park, after sunset
Warnings: High R for discussions of violence
Status: Incomplete, closed

When he'd first started dreaming, he hadn't known what to think. )