
October 12th, 2015




Who: Francis Dolarhyde and Richard Riddick
What: A meeting
Where: A convenient coffee shop
When: Over the weekend
Rating/Warnings: Low for the moment
Status: Ongoing

Francis hadn't been sure about this network )




Who: Daryl Dixon
What: Daryl wakes up from a dream.
When: October 12th, very early morning.
Where: Daryl's trailer
Rating/Warnings: High/Language, death of zombies, and talk about other people dying.
Status: Completed Narrative

He hadn't saved them, he'd doomed them. )




Who: Neal Cassidy & Lina Inverse
What: Neal's gonna be an uncle, nbd
When: Monday
Where: Casa de Cassidy-Swan
Rating/Warnings: EXPLOSIOOOOOOOOOOONS...of cute. AKA, low
Status: Complete!

Did you get another cat or something? )




Who: Maleficent [info]moorguardian & Zatanna Zatara [info]cigam
What: Run-in at a Middle Eastern Market
When: Early October
Where: A Middle Eastern Market
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Sorry for being in the way. )