
July 8th, 2015




Who: Asato Tsuzuki and Gwen Stacy
What: Food truck meeting
When: Today? Why not.
Where: Food Truck in front of Stark Tower
Rating/Warnings: Should be low/None.
Status: Ongoing/Closed

Of all the places Tsuzuki had been expecting to find great food truck food, in front of the Stark Tower hadn't been one of them. )




Who: River and Logan
What: Meeting Logan face to face
When: July 8th
Where: Logan's shop
Rating/Warnings: Probably low, discussions of canon violence and abuse
Status: In progress




Who:Leon Orcot and Sharon Carter
When: Recently
Where: Leon’s apartment
What: Sharon talks to Leon about John
Ratings/Warnings: Pregnancy talk, nothing big
Status: Complete!

it’s not you, it’s me. You’re such a nice nice guy, and I hope we can still be friends. I really need to work on myself and my career right now, and you deserve better )




Who: River and Natasha
What: The spy pulls the 'randomly' run into someone trick again
When: Recently
Where: River's ballet practice
Rating/Warnings: TBD, probable discussions of violence and abuse
Status: In progress

Read more... )




Who: Izzy and Simon
When: Early July
Where: Baxter's Bakery
What: Another encounter
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Izzy had enjoyed meeting Simon )




Who: Vlad and Jonathan.
What: Reunited after a trying week apart.
When: July 8, the weest hours of the morning.
Where: The residence of one Mister Harker.
Rating/Warnings: High / Bad words in foreign languages, nudity, intimate adult activities.
Status: Complete.

I recall you made a promise to me when last I left here. I would hate to think you had forgotten it. )