
July 2nd, 2015




Who: Anders and Tink, introducing Justice
What: Anders Dreams of leaving the Wardens, wakes up with Justice.
When: This morning
Where: Tink and Anders’ house
Warnings/Status: Dream cannibalism, blood (Warnings apply to above link as well).

Anders woke with a start, sweating and terrified. )




Who: Capable and Jess
When: Early July
Where: Tessa's Bookstore
What: Helping a customer
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Capable loved her job at the bookstore )




WHO: Nina and Gabe
WHAT: Water fight, then something unexpected ;)
WHERE: Gabe’s place
WHEN: June 30th
WARNINGS: NC-17, Super sexy times
STATUS: Complete

Hey hot stuff, how’s your day been? )




Who Agent Washington
What Wash has his first Dream
Where Dreamscape
When July 2nd to July 3rd (posting early as I wanted to get this done before I left for the weekend)
Rating/Warnings Low; Spoilers for RvB Season 10
Status complete

The first Dream came a lot sooner than Wash was prepared for. )