
May 28th, 2015




Who: Clary and Izzy
What: Cook invention test
Where: The Institute
When: Mid-May
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Nina and Sharon
When: Recently pre-plot
Where: Irvine General
What: Checking in
Rating/Warnings: Low/Pregnancy Stuff
Status: Complete

Nina didn’t often cover shifts in the OB/GYN department )




Who: Nina and Gabe
When: During the hellmouth plot
Where: Merlin and Audrey's place
What: Looking after Ben
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Nina still couldn’t quite believe that she and Gabe had ended up with Ben in quite the way they had )




Who: Troy and Clara
Where: Their place
When: Mid-May (week one of Hellmouth plot)
What: The Doctor and Clara discuss the dreams, oh and he's getting more Doctory.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

I've made a thing, I don't know what it is. )




Who: Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale
What: Will uses his powers of seduction on Jem
When: Backdated: Early May
Where: Their Condo
Rating/Warnings: Mature Content
Status: Complete!

After a long day, Jem liked to unwind by playing violin )




Who: Cassandra Cain and Eggsy Unwin
What: Eggsy comes to check out the gym
When: Backdated: Beginning of May
Where: The Gym
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Towel draped around her neck, Cass moved through the gym )