
January 21st, 2015




Who: Pepper and Tony
When: During the Crime Plot
Where: Stark Industries // In the Suit
What: Testing the new software, fighting crime
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (It doesn't get too graphic or violent.)
Status: Complete

Tony had been diligently working on the Jarvis 2.0 AI software. )




Who: Rose and Tom
What: Rose comes over to his place in the middle of the night
Where: Tom’s place
When: Last Night
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (mentions of death in unpleasant dreams)
Status: Complete

No, no. If you are telling me a fairytale you definitely need to start with Once Upon a Time. )




Who: Quentin Coldwater and Mary Stuart
When: January 21, after school
Where: The Library
What: Tutoring
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (will update if necessary)
Status: In progress, closed

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Who: Pete Wisdom, Lina Inverse
What: Being drunk leads to bitching about past relationships and...spooning? Look a lot of alcohol was involved okay.
When: Tonight, January 21st.
Where: Some skeezy ass dive bar that serves excellent cheese fries.
Rating/Warnings: Language and two alcoholics.
Status: Complete!

It’s like I’m turning into that person, you know? That person who is caught in this vicious cycle of self-loathing and finally begins to open up, only the person he trusts the most...leaves him. So the cycle begins again. )




Who: Kate Bishop and Lalna
When: Tomorrow, Thursday, Jan 22
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Coffee and biscuits
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (will update if necessary)
Status: In Progress, closed

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