
June 29th, 2014




Who: Abigail and Hannibal Lecter.
What: Abigail's dreams aren't over.
When: Early morning, 6/29.
Where: Their house.
Rating/Warnings: Likely through the friggin' roof. Hard R. It's Hannibal, y'all. Abigail wakes up missing a body part. Triggery for body parts being missing, cannibalism, older man / younger girl sexual relationship, probably worse.
Status: In Progress.

She's gone with the man in the long black coat. )




Who: David and Tony
When: Earlier in the week
Where: Stark Industries
What: Checking in
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: In progress




Who: Tony Stark and Kevin Flynn
When: Sometime in...okay it’s crazy backdated
Where: Stark Tower
What: Tony’s got something to show Kev
Rating/Warning: PG-13 (Slight Trigger warning: mention of the Mall attack plot from March)
Status: Closed, in progress

Now you’re in on my secrets, you want to be in on everything. )




Who: Lilo and Wolfwood.
What: Working out.
When: 6/25.
Where: A gym.
Rating/Warnings: A slight mention of parents that have passed.
Status: Complete!

What are friends for? )