
June 15th, 2014




Who: Maleficent and Lina.
What: Lina loses a bet about magic, and Maleficent proposes a deal.
When: Friday, June 13th.
Where: Random empty park.
Rating/Warnings: Low, minor swearing.
Status: Complete.

A power like that could turn this city into a war zone. Or worse. )




Who: Jem Carstairs and Tessa Grey
What: Tessa finds out Jem is moving
When: Backdated: Thursday, June 12th. Late Afternoon
Where: Jem's Apartment
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Jem had started packing and making preparations for the move )




Who: Joan Watson and Sharon Carter
When: Early June
Where: Out
What: Commiserating about internet/speed dating.
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

That guy just called me old. )