
February 20th, 2014




Who: Seth, Aveline, and Lo.
What: Meeting and job offers.
When: 2/18.
Where: Strip club where Aveline works / phone.
Rating/Warnings: Just mentioning stripping, so PG-13?
Status: Complete.

Welcome to the Palomino. )




Who: Sebastian Vael and Penelope Garcia, with Sebastian's father Robert.
What: Checking up on family
When: 2/18, after these texts.
Where: The village of Starkhaven, Scotland, and then Sebastian's family home.
Rating/Warnings: PG
Status: Complete

He’s a tough old goat. Just, well, he’s my da )




Who: Frodo and Luthien
When: Just before the current game-wide plot
Where: Frodo’s house
What: Luthien visits a very ill Frodo and discovers fell things are afoot
Rating/Warning: PG, For the Ring being evil and all
Status: Complete

It would be so easy to just put it on. She could get her son back so much more easily. She could help so many people. Stop wars, force the rich to provide for the hungry and the poor. )




Who: Neena Thurman, Booker DeWitt
What: Serious not-conversations about dream stuff.
When: Yesterday.
Where: Lucky Shop Pawn/Booker's Place.
Rating/Warnings: R, Triggers for Drug Use, Implied Glossy Mentions of Dream!Torture and Dream!Rape, Cursing, Alcohol Abuse, etc.
Status: Complete

I'm sure your dreams are bad. But maybe you can fucking appreciate the reason that I don't want to talk about mine. )




Who: Portia and Katniss
When: Late Feb
Where: Mall
What: Chance encounter
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

The Reaping's not the worst thing...is it? )


Who: Padme & Anakin
What: Happy Valentine's Day
When: 2/14
Where: Her Appartment
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

We’re going to have our own life here together and whatever happens in the dreams won’t affect that )




Who: Peeta Mellark and Anna of Arendelle
When: Early February
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Anna’s first trip back there since Evil!Jim
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

You have really nice teeth. )