
February 6th, 2014




Who: Faye and Atton
When: Late Jan
Where: Mall
What:Fellow card sharks meet
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Faye hadn’t realised there was a casino demonstration going on at the mall )



“Hey bestie, what’s up?”

Who: Faye and Vala
When: Early Feb
Where: Always then shopping
What: Dirty weekend shopping
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Well they look pretty perky )




Who: Alucard and Integra
When: Early January
Where: Their home
What: Surprises
Rating/Warning: High/NC17
Status: Complete

Alucard smiled to himself when he came home and found the first little note )



Amy liked dressing in John’s button-down shirts in the morning.

Who: Amy Pond and John Watson
When: Early February
Where: John’s place
What: Pondson, talking about Rory? And Sherlock
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Watson, not so secretly, very much enjoyed seeing Amy in his clothing. )


Who: Pam de Beaufort and Maia Amell
What: Maia gets some backstory
When: 2/4
Where: Maia's place
Rating/Warning: PG13, language and sex
Status: Complete

I liked his style. But I like yours too )