
January 31st, 2014




Who: Damian Wayne and Stephanie Brown
What: Some awkawrd conversation and sparring
When: Backdated: Wednesday, January 29th. Late Afternoon
Where: Stark Manor
Rating: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Damian had been having a pretty tough last couple of days )




Who: Ichigo Kurosaki, open to Izzy Lightwood and anyone else who wanted to come by!
Where: A Dojo near Huntington Beach High School
What: Ichigo's practicing karate, invited Izzy and others to come join in for the fun, and reacts to having dreams
When: Today, Friday, Jan 31.
Status: Incomplete, Threaded. Can be a narrative if no one joins in!
Warnings: N/A.

So karate is just something that I do... )


Who: Priss & Azula
Where: The Mall
when: The other day?
Rating: Eh troublemakers but nothing rate-worthy
Status: Complete!

I will always be fun. )


Who: Irina Derevko & Killian Jones
What: Finding things in common
Where: A Russian restaurant
When: 1/17 or so, before Killian lost his hand
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Добрый вечер, Mister Jones )




WHO Bella Cullen (open to Edward Cullen)
WHAT Waking up to a bad memory
WHEN 1/31
WHERE Edward and Bella’s apartment
STATUS Complete
a bad trip down memory lane )




WHO Simon and Clary
WHAT Clary wants to talk about a few things
WHEN backdated
WHERE The sister’s house
STATUS Incomplete
crazy dreams about vampires? )