
October 18th, 2013




Who: Lara and Rogue
What: Climbing a mountain, relationship advice, exploring a cave, fighting a cougar, the usual Rogue Lara funtimes.
When: Last week sometime?
Where: Out in the woods
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

Stupid cat just knock it off already )


Who: Ororo Munroe (Storm) and Scott Summers (Cyclops)
What: Surprise?
When: 10/16
Where: Urdnot Ranch
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Orange County kind of crazy )




Who: Olenna Tyrell and Tywin Lannister
What: Dinner and Catching Up
When: Backdated: Wednesday, October 16th. Early Evening
Where: A Restaurant
Rating: Family Friendly to Start
Status: In Progress

Olenna had been keeping herself busy )



I had a very happy Italian childhood - parents, big, loud family

Who: Emma Summers and Ezio Auditore
Where: his office
What: their first session
When: Monday
Warnings/Rating: pg-13 for discussion of NPC suicide
Status complete

- and I keep it in mind, so I can help other families to achieve this, if they wish it )


Who: Jean Grey and Logan Howlett
Where: a deli
What: catching up
When: 10/13
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

Alright, why don’t we get a beer and talk about your family, and maybe I’ll get drunk enough to tell you about the guy I’m seeing )





Who: GinRan
What: coming home after the hit mission text messages (on 10/12) and finding a surprise waiting for him in bed. Oh, and there was mochi. The perfect after killin' snack. ♥
When: 10/12/2013. This is totally backdated.
Where: Gin’s house.
Warnings/Rating: Medium/High-ish, but the smushy smut is whited out for those who don’t want to read it, so there’s only the before and after left behind. For those who do? Whatever, I don't usually post that stuff, so highlight that big faux-blank bad boy and eat popcorn. I give up. Just...damn toons. *drops the mic, throws up hands, walks away*
Status: Complete!

Ya ain't lazy when we're doin' that, but you sure are when it comes to everythin' else. )




Who: Canaan and Mayuri
What: Canaan gets eye implants.
When: Today!
Where: The SRDI
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, warnings for detailed medical stuff, no gore.
Status: Complete!

That was Mayuri Kurotsuchi: Kinda cute and quirky, but in a profoundly morbid way. )




Who: Caroline Forbes and Niklaus Mikaelson
What: Smores!
Where: Camping somewhere
When: Saturday 10/19 CAMPING!
Rating: PG
Status: Log.
OOC NOTE: Anyone who wants to have been camping is welcome to! We talked about this way back but then the funeral and other parties. And college. So tada. This weekend.

I'm sure it's really my s’mores you were pining for )




Who: Isaac Lahey Martin and Allison Argent
What: Naked Meeting….awkward.
Where: Martin Bathroom
When: backdated to Mayish when she was sleeping over.
Rating: PG
Status: Log.

Before Isaac could grab a towel or push the door shut a brunette was pushing into the bathroom. A brunette he had never seen before.  )








Who: Lydia Martin, Billy Batson and Magius
What: Finding Lydia
When: Backdated to after this
Where: The hospital
Rating: PG-13 for gore/blood/hospital stuff
Status: Complete

Well. This sucks. )




Who: Lydia Martin and The Collector
What: Coffee
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Some coffee shop
Rating: God knows
Status: Incomplete

She had to get out of the house. )