
July 5th, 2013




Who: Alyssa and Velma.
What: Doughnuts and discussions.
When: Tuesday, 7/2.
Where: Bakery!
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete!

He secretly envies you for being normal. We all do. )



"Sister... The Amis have come to see him and you... Have you... Eaten today?"

Who: Éponine and Azelma Thénardier, Enjolras, Bahorel and Courfeyrac.
What: The waiting game continues. Hospitals suck.
When: 5th July
Where: An unspecified hospital
Rating: Probably just PG13 for the subject matter alone. The Thénardiers didn't swear for once! TW for medical situations only.
Status: Complete. :v One more part to go!

I haven’t wanted to leave his side... can you blame me? )




Who: Castiel + Roland Deschain
What:  Random encounter / Insurance stuff
When: July 5th
Where:  Cas' work place
Rating:   Low/none
Status: In progress

He realized, not for the first time, that he could probably do with a bit more of a social life. )




Who: Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
What: First night in Vegas. Talking and making a decision
When: Friday, Juy 5th. Early Evening
Where: Their room in The Bellagio
Rating: Family friendly
Status: Complete

Upon reaching it and the room, Magnus flopped down on his bed )




Who: Some of Sarah's pups and OTA! (Penelope Garcia, Mrs. Flowers, Kirsty Cotton, Atton Rand, Abigail Hobbs, Nobody Owens, Navi, Alice Ayres, and Candy Quackenbush.)
When: Friday, July 5th.
Where: LOTS OF PLACES. (See the subject lines.)
Rating: TBA.
Status: In Progress.

(This post is open to everyone! I'm in the mood for totally random mixings up and this is a great way to do it. Just jump on in! It's like double dutch but a million times easier. Man, I sucked at double dutch.)



You’ve reached Miss Scarlet.

Who: Alex Summers and Pamela Swynford de Beaufort
Where: A hotel room
What: A younger Alex hires Pam for her services, heard about through a particular grapevine.
When: Once upon a time
Warnings/Rating: NC-17 for graphic depictions of sex involving kinks of various kinds
Status complete

Hello, Miss Scarlet. )




Who: Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase
What: Annabeth accidently foils Percy's surprise
When: Friday, Juy 5th. Afternoon
Where: The USC Campus
Rating: Family friendly
Status: Complete

Percy had finished unpacking )