
March 8th, 2013




Who: Scott, Neena, Nate and Cable.
Where: New Jersey, the Summers family house
What: Cable comes visiting with a mission for little Nate
When: 2221 (7 years after Rachel’s birth)
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for language
Status Complete

And you don't feel much like ridin', You just wish the trip was through  )




Who: Emma and Nathan Summers
Where: Massachusetts, the future
What: preparing for the times to come
When: 2213 (just after Neena, Nate, and Scott arrive in the future)
Warnings/Rating: no warnings, just a mother and son talking
Status complete

she got diamonds on the sole of her shoes )




Who: Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde
Where: Emma's house
What: reacting to Alma's nonsense
When: 3/8/13
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for language
Status complete

Read more... )


Who: Flemeth and Merlin.
What: Tea and a reading.
When: Thursday afternoon.
Where: Flemeth's store, the Magick Shoppe.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete!

Decisions have a way of sneaking up on you. Like kittens. )




Who: Martha Jones and Nina Pickering
When: Friday, March 8th. Late Afternoon
Where: Hospital staff room
What: Dream talk
Rating: PG for minor talk of past child abuse
Status: Complete

Martha and Molly had warned her this may happen )



What’s bigger than killing a man?

Who: Peter Parker and Pansy Malfoy
When: After some texts
Where: Pansy’s place
What: Pansy’s freaking out
Rating: High, some swearing, pregnancy scare
Status: Complete

oh, God, what will my family think? And Draco?? )



You have to tell him you want to feel his face. And then feel it. And not stop.

Who: Verity + Toph Bei Fong, guest appearance by Fred Weasley
When: 2/28 ish
Where: For the Lulz
What: Checking out the shop
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Prank the prankster. )




Who: Helen & Sam
What: Dropping off the kid
When: Slightly backdated. Wednesday evening.
Where: Sam's place
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

This would be the first time she had left her with someone who wasn't family. )


Who: Peter and Gwen
What: Backstory - V-Day / Big Discussion
Where: Peter’s place
Rating: NSFW
Status: Complete!

The place was clean for once. )




Who: Nate, Cable
Where: New Jersey, the Summers family house
What: Cable comes visiting with a mission for little Nate
When: 2222 (8 years after Rachel’s birth)
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for vague references to the death of an NPC
Status Complete

The Time has come for a mission... )




Who: Nate, Cable, and Emma Summers
Where: Boston, the Frost Mansion
What: Emma greets her sons
When: 2223 (9 years after Rachel’s birth)
Warnings/Rating: no warnings
Status Complete

Go where no man has gone before... )