
January 16th, 2013



What is with you and the sun?

Who: Isabela and Atton Rand. (Isatton? Atbela? Isabon?)
What: What they're up to during quarantine.
When: Tuesday morning.
Where: Atton's place.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete!

You’re secretly a weird bird person, aren’t you? )



Bastard universe!

Who: Navi and Pete Wisdom.
What: Pete's case files are here.
When: Monday morning.
Where: Casa del Wisdom.
Rating: PG-13 for language and sexy fade to blacks.
Status: Complete!

Yes, that’s right. When in doubt, blame the universe. )



Two Russians, No Filters, and Sickness

Who: Illyana and Natasha, briefly Clarice
Where: Natasha’s room
What: A visit, odd conversation
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for some language and references to sexual activity
Status Complete!

Strong, vibrant, and not leaning over like towers of pizza )




Who: Thor and Natasha
Where: Her room
What: Thor visits his girlfriend, worrying about her.
When: 1/14, after this log
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for some sexyfun touching and fluff

This was where he belonged )


Who: Mr. Gold, Abby Maitland
What: …shopping?
When:  Mid-Afternoon
Where: Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop
Rating: low probably
Status: In Progress

And what can I do for you today, Dearie? )




Who: John Watson, Amy Pond
What: Talking over tea!
When: Afternoon, Friday December 21st
Where: Coffee/TeaShop
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

...you could be a centaur. )




Who: John Watson, Dr. McMcoy
What: John gets stuck at the hospital, and then put to work.
Where: Irving Hospital
When: Sunday afternoon, Jan 13
Rating: Low, maybe some swearing?
Status: Complete

That makes it official. )




Who: Abby and Julian Maitland.
What: The siblings reunited!
When: Shortly after Abby's arrival.
Where: Julian's townhourse.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete!

Home again where her heart had always been. )


Who: Alex and Lorna
Where: His house
What: Fun times, movies, sex
When: noon, sunday, 01/13
Warnings/Rating: PG-13
Status complete

It starts out easy, something simple, something sleazy, something inching past the edge of the reserve )


Who: Lorna and Wade, also Crusty old pervy pilot
When: 1/17
Where: Taco Grande
What: Lorna needs noms, and Wade talks. Then they jump out of a plane
Rating: R, for the sudden stop at the end of a big fall
Status: complete

And it's true that the clouds just hung around like black Cadillacs outside a funeral.  )




Who: Neena and McCoy
When: Jan 17
Where: Her Hospital Room
What: Checking in
Rating: pg, for light language
Status: complete

Let's hold fast to the dream, That tastes and sparkles like wine  )



A Dream of Loving...

Who: Illyana and Clarice
Where: Their hospital room
What: Illyana wakes up from a dream
When: 01/15
Warnings/Rating: PG-13
Status Complete!

I am home. )



The Seeds of Friendship

Who: Illyana and Kitty
Where: Hospital rooms
What: Illyana remembers Kitty, some
When: 01/15
Warnings/Rating: PG-13
Status Complete!

Kitty Pryde. it is good to know you. )