
January 4th, 2013


What’ve you been watching on telly?

Who: Alice and Oliver.
What: Talking about the future.
When: Thursday morning (1/3).
Where: The hospital.
Rating: PG-13 for language and breaking my heart.
Status: Complete!

Oooh, you’re not a secret soap opera fan?  )



Goddess of LoveLove has it all covered.

Who: Aino Minako and Hino Rei
What: Sexytiems
When: Backdated a little after these texts
Where: Rei’s tiny apartment.
Rating: NC-17.
Status: Complete.

Set Passion To The Flame )


Who: Seiya Kou and Rapunzel
What: Seiya being a seductive dick, and Rapunzel being adorable.
When: 4pm-6pm Jan 3rd
Where: Cafe, then his place
Rating: R for references of sexual acts and almosts.
Status: Complete!

Spoon! I like to lick. )




Who: Montgomery Scott and Tinkerbell
When: A few days after Christmas
Where: Movie Theater and then...
What: Movie Times!
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

Tink was pretty excited. )




Who: Oliver Queen, Mayuri Kurotsuchi
What: Some deal makin's!
When: Recently, before the big When Uber Sentinels Attack! and just after the wishes wore off. Byebye bunny detonator! Hello useless bunny pez dispenser. :(
Where: SRDI
Rating: Medium for any potentially creepy cute, a few needle pokes to test sensitivity on a fingertip, and fruit shaped (and scented) gas bombs.
Status: Complete!

Smoke bombs? Those sound delightful. )




Who: Kasumisaurus Wrex
What: Surprise cupcakes (and somebody calls out the wrong name..)
Where: Wrex's office at the Ranch
When: Last Wednesday
Rating: R for sex.

Cupcakes? Here? Now? It's not my birthday. Is it your birthday? )




Who: Enjolras
What: A dream and waking up sicker
Where: his new place/Paris 1832
When: Friday Night

where are the leaders of the land? )


Who: Alex Summers and Lorna Dane
What: Going to the zoo, having sex, getting dogs (It was a weird day)
Where: The Orange city zoo, Alex's place, a local pet rescue facility
When: Wednesday afternoon (1/2)
Rating: Nc-17 for sex
Status: complete

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you )