
January 1st, 2013



I have no reputation

Who: Obi + Faiza
Where: Obi's House
When: A Recent Night
What: Obi gives Faiza her robot. Other stuff happens.
Rating: PG-13, For awkward groping; These two blush A LOT
Status: Complete

No one will assume we're up to anything )



I’m going to move up here.

Who: Hermione and Jim
When: Monday, 12/31
Where: The Enterprise
What: Fluff, goofing around, surprises
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Won’t you get lonely up here all by yourself? )




Who: Alex Summers and Neena Thurman
What: hanging out
When: 2013, after Alex left that party
Where: Neena's bar
Rating: pg for legal alcohol use and mild profanity
Status: one sheet to the wind

It's a tail that you keep chasing )



Explosions, gateways, and goo...

Who: Clarice and Thor
Where: The hospital, the crater, and his house
What: Thor asks Clarice a favor. it costs, and afterward, they rest together, then there is a massage and conversation
When:Monday morning, 12/31
Warnings/Rating: R for Violence, sexiness, and schmoop
Status Complete!

Mmmm, purple goo. My favorite. )




Who: Thor and Emma
Where: the hospital
What: Emma Visits Thor, there is tea and talking
When: 12/29
Warnings/Rating: PG

We speak of things that matter, with words that must be said )


Who: Lorna and Alex
Where: A party
What: New years Eve meetup and kissage
When: New Year’s Eve, 12/31/12
Warnings/Rating: PG-13
Status Complete!

In the night I dream of love so true )



Then tell me what you want, Alice.

Who: Alice and Sada
What: Morning afters and discussions
When: After this
Where: Sada’s house
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

I think we’ll match. )




Who: Fleur and Bill
When: New Years Eve
Where: The bank of the Seine river
What: Fireworks!
Warnings/ratings: TBD but not likely anything high

Maybe it's the way the stars are aligned )




Who:Thor and Tink
Where: Her garage
What: post-Sentinel!accident talking about the totalled SUV.
When: Tuesday, 1/1/13
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for flirting and language
Status Complete

What a Strange Day... )




Who:Alex and Elaine
Where: Her place, then a solitary restaurant open on the day
What: random Christmas dinner
When: Christmas time
Warnings/Rating: R for sex
Status Complete!

Random acts spawn random friendships. )




Who: Gin Ichimaru, Faye Valentine
What: New Year's plum wine and sushi fest!
When: New Years Eve-ish
Rating: Low
Status: Completed (January 10th)

Happy New Year, y'all! )