
November 23rd, 2012


I might not have to shoot you after all.

Who: Beth and Alma with a little bit of Shepard.
What: Date night!
When: Backdated to Wednesday night.
Where: The movies and Beth's.
Rating: PG-13 for not graphic sex talk.
Status: Complete!

You won't lose me. )




Who: Verity and Oliver Wood, with guest appearance by NPC Lizzy Adler.
When: Thursday, post-Thanksgiving dinner
Where: Adler Household, Hospital
What: Phone Call
Rating: Low, some flirting, mention of kisses and attraction
Status: Complete!

G’night, Oliver. My lips and I will see you on Sunday. )




Who: Candy and Remy
What: Hangover
When: Backdated, last week, after Remy's dreams.
Where: Candy and Remy's place.
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete!

Nightmares )




WHO: Nine and Rose.
WHAT: Rose wakes up.
WHEN: Backdated a bit.
WHERE: In Nine's car on the way to the hospital.

This would have been a snap if he had the TARDIS )




Who: Shepard
What: Shepard's goodbye to Liara. Part of The End series. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
When: During the final push.
Where: London, Earth 2186
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Massive ME3 spoilers within

We both knew that was goodbye )




Who: Shepard
What: What happened on the Citadel, part 1.
When: After the final push.
Where: The Citadel
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Massive ME3 spoilers within. It'll hit you in the FEELS.

It's quite a view. )