
September 9th, 2012



"Three thousand years and still scruffy"

Who: Meetra Surik and Obi-wan Kenobi
What: Sharing lightsabers, a bit of hero worship, and then offers of training!
When: Thursday, day before the Gala!
Where: Somewhere with trees
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
warnings: KOTOR 1 and 2 spoilers.

Have a seat, Mr. Kenobi. I'm not sure which is stranger, that we're Jedi, or that we're from different times. )




Who: Meetra and Roland
What: Caught in the act with a lightsaber!
When: After the Gala! Lets say Sunday!
Where: Roland's back yard
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13

Bzzzzzruumm )




Who: Obi-wan and Kitty, and Dani via Text
What: Getting pretty drunk. Celebrating random things.
When: Thursday, day before the Gala
Where: The Green Maid
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some dirty talk. Nothing too bad.

i want 2 noms on u )



"How DARE you"

Who: Iroh, Zuko, Mai, Azula
What: At the hospital after Ty Lee got hit by the car
When: After the gala ended.
Where: hospital!
Status: Complete
Rating PG-13 for language!

Does your own need for vengeance run so deeply that you would put an innocent woman's life in danger to slake your thirst for blood?! )



"... This is really weird. I couldn't bend steel or anything, but I could make rocks move..."

Who: Lin Beifong and Korra
What: Korra got burned by Azula during the punch incident, so they went to the ER. Dream discussions, UST, and generally Korra being a punk and Lin being Lin.
When: At the Gaaala
Where: Gala, then ER
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13 for sexy dresses and burns.

The only one who could bend multiple elements was Uncle Aang )



"Where are we?"

Who: Clarice and Illyana, with Kitty guest starring
What: Six days in Limbo is sixteen hours in the real world!
When: At the Gala!
Where: Limbo
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for demons, ruined dresses and bloody fights. Also temporary pinkness

We are in Limbo. )



I think you're overreacting!

Who: Wrex, Obi-wan, Dani, Moira and Alma
What: Dani is ill from the power inhibitor and Moira calls her on it. Then Obi gets pissed.
Where: The Gala, mostly the ladies room
When: At the gaaaala
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I'm nae overreactin' ye bampot! )



I think I’m okay now.

Who: Domino, Narrative.
What: Talking to the Grave.
When: Sunday.
Where: A graveyard at an undisclosed location.
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13? There's some cussing at God, mostly.
Status: Complete.

So you just hold onto these and keep them safe here. And I’ll go see about living, and maybe I can forgive God while I’m at it. )



"We'll need something to pass the time,"

Who: Scott and Emma
What: Birthdacation part 1
When: Beginning of the month
Where: Private plane
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for tension and glossed over mile high club

You have something in mind. )



"I wouldn't force you to organize my things."

Who: Scott and Emma
What: Birthdacation part 2
When: Beginning of the month
Where: Hotel in france
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for tension and glossed over breaking in of hotel room.

I'd enjoy it )



"Neither of us wants it to be the same, but only one of us is willing to sit by and do nothing."

Who: Scott and Emma
What: Birthdacation part 3: The Fightening!
When: Beginning of the month
Where: Hotel in france
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for Namor

So this is all my fault? )



"We can have this day to enjoy ourselves."

Who: Scott and Emma
What: Birthdacation part 4: The End.
When: Probably a day or so ago!
Where: Hotel in france, also the Louvre.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for break ups

Okay, we can do that. It's your birthday too. )


Who: Jayne Cobb, Mal Reynolds.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: A tuxedo rental shop.
What: Tux returns. ~Jayne knows things that Mal doesn't knoooow.~
Rating: If anything, PGish for language.

Instead, there'd been spats and drunk folk and a giraffe. )


Who: Pietro and Wanda Maximoff
When: Sunday.
Where: Their apartment.
What: Discussion of plans for the future. Apartment hunting talk.
Rating/Warnings: Maybe some language.

Wanda planned to take Pietro along as a roommate, provided he wasn't sick of her. )