
July 20th, 2012




Who: Lucas North & Michael Britten
What: Meeting
When: Backdated to 18th
Where: Santa Ana
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Read more... )


Who: Arthur (R2-D2) and Cheryl
What: One of the more mind-melting hook ups of all time...
When: A recent Saturday night
Where: A bar. McAlister’s.
Rating: PG-13, but just shy of R. (Warnings of naughty talk.)
Status: Complete

That dress... the color doesn’t work for you. )




Who: Frodo and Merrill
What: Not-really-watching a movie
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Frodo's house
Rating: PG-13. A condom is involved, somewhere. Scandalous!
Status: Complete

Carson, we need you to go shopping )



"We could have steaks afterwards. A steak barbeque."

Who: Domino, Pete Wisdom
What: Talking about things involving dresses and rings.
When: Actually took place (and was rp'd) right after the Thailand log, which was rp'd on like...saturday/sunday night iirc? Simply needed written out since it was in script format, and that took me forever due to my narcolepsy and stuff around the house, so it's my bad it's so late. Sorry! I am teh suck. :|
Where: Thailand.
Rating: PG13, language. No pewpews, but there is conversational mention of target practice, found within. So there's fair warning if anyone's sensitive about that stuff right now due to current events. :/
Status: Complete!

With a fancy cake, just for the hell of it. )



Who: Kevan Lannister
What: Earthquake
When: Now!
Where: Hotel
Rating: None
Status: Complete

Maybe you should make a go of it. )




Who: Wrex, Alma, Roy, Elena, etc. OPEN TO: Anyone coming to help, first responders
What: After-earthquake wreckage search. Damage control, Crisis response. Kids are missing, especially Roy.
When: After the earthquake hit and various posts/texts/phonecalls have been made.
Where: What's left of Urdnot Ranch
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, triggers for fire, people trapped in buildings, burns, etc.
Status: Complete!

Kids were trapped. He was going to make damn sure they were okay. )