
June 17th, 2012



"You're not a person! Big metal fucking robot and somehow I didn't see it. Our SON!"

Who: Kitty, Dream!emma, Dream!hank, dream!Scott, Dream!Xavier, Dream!Piotr, Dream!logan
What: A dream within a dream. Kitty dreams of a fantastically bad mindfuck
When: This morning. It also takes place in the 'comic' world chronologically immediately after this.
Where: Someplace!
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for Kitty losing her mind
Trigger: Probably. Some kind. Children taken from mothers? Mindscrews? Language!

Eighteen months I'm in that..place. Figuring. Waiting. I sang him to sleep, every night. He's my son so I did that. Five hundred and forty-seven times. )


Who: Bruce Wayne, Thomas Wayne (NPC)
When: Sunday, June 17. Father's Day.
Where: Respective homes.
What: Father's Day phone call.
Rating: F for FEELS. Narrative, complete.

Hey, dad. Happy Father's Day. )



"Tasty apple juice."

Who: Domino, Pete Wisdom, Moira MacTaggert
What: Domino goes to the doctor! Needles happen. So does terror. And spider monkey clinging. Guess what? It wasn't allergies. :|
When: Yesterdayish!
Where: Lucky Shots gun shop and then MacTaggert's lab
Rating: PG13 for language, and 5 needles.
Status: Complete!

Is that anything like delicious biscuits? )



"Won't the Church of Satan miss its leader?"

Who: Domino, Romany Wisdom, Petey Wisdom
What: A great, unnatural evil arrives on Domino's doorstep. And it brought luggage.
When: Yesterdayish, after Domino's adventures in Moira's laboratory!
Where: Domino's apartment.
Rating: PG13 for language.
Status: Complete!

I'm calling the Pope an' siccing him on you )



"Seeing the things you see, the evils that men do?"

Who: Pete Wisdom
What: Narrative. Pete dreams of his fantastically loving home environment. Unfortunately, it's not exactly the same as what he remembers from this lifetime.
When: This morning, so it's set after Romany showed up. He'll blame it all on her, because that's convenient. Happened prior to these father's day e-mails between Pete and Romany.
Where: Behind his eyelids.
Rating: PG13 for happy family fun times. No physical violence contained within, though. Woo.
Status: Complete

It rots yer soul. )


Who: Bethany Hawke, Graham
Where: Graham's kitchen.
When: Sunday morning.
What: Graham dreams about waking up from a dream and freaking out. It's all very meta. Bethany finds him in the kitchen, trying to sort through things.
Rating: Low. Incomplete.

Hey. Fairy-tales were big this year. )