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Nov. 2nd, 2017


unfiltered gif )

If you aren't completely sure you can follow the rules skim through the network to find one of the people offering to take them off your hands. I've name-dropped the military base to rent a room at the community centre for a screening of Gremlins tonight at 6pm. They will attempt to break the rules. The consequences are different for each one.

Sunlight: they'll die, kind of messily.
Water: they'll multiply.
Food at night*: they'll turn into gremlins like the gif there, which are dangerous and chaotic.

*Midnight until the sun comes up the next morning, but it's probably wise to make the cut off more like 9 or 10pm.

Nov. 1st, 2017


If it's not one thing, it's another. Does this place ever get a break from strange things happening?


Attention celebrators of Bonfire Night! I will be hosting Bonfire night at Ronan's farm, and I've been told the go-karts will be running that night as well.

Johnny Storm has graciously agreed to light our bonfire with himself, and I would love it if we had one or two magical types (I'm looking at you Albus) could ensure that the fire itself won't scorch or burn anything in the area. We're not looking to start a brush fire that destroys the town. If there's anyone magical or fireworks-inclined that wouldn't go amiss either.

The only thing missing is a chill in the air and a hot apple cider. (Rest assured there will be beverages and snacks. Volunteers for this would be lovely as well.)

Oct. 30th, 2017


[Private to the Twelfth Doctor's Posse] [Companions, wife, former regenerations, friends, and just about anybody he's been pals with writing on the network... if you feel like your character fits the bill, then they're included!]
Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've been told it's a thing.

Tonight, we're going to L.A. for the thing. Leaving at 1:35 sharp to make the midnight showing. Drinks after.

I'll park the TARDIS in front of J.J.'s Diner. Be there or be square.

Oct. 28th, 2017


Why hadn't anybody told me there's a song called 'The Time Warp'?

Oct. 27th, 2017


You're all in a tizzy about Halloween parties, but what I really want to know is who is hosting this year's Bonfire?

Oct. 26th, 2017


Working for an organized company again is going to take some getting used to. I've been so used to calling the shots over the last couple of years. This is the closest to my previous position I think I'm going to get around here. Never say never to working for military again

Has anyone else noticed the large, flying monkeys?


I went wandering around the town today to do a little more exploring and ended up landing myself a job. You're looking at the newest shooting instructor over at Trigger Town.

Oct. 25th, 2017


WHO: Rose Tyler & John Watson
WHERE: Tumbleweed, around town.
WHEN: After John’s release.
WHAT: Making new friends.
RATING: PG, totally innocent.
STATUS: log; completed


Oct. 23rd, 2017


I'm sorry for all the commotion I caused this past week. I lost my head. Literally.

Oct. 19th, 2017


I don't know who Peter Capaldi or Rick Sanchez are, but this is hilarious! Doctor, they look like you!


Oct. 17th, 2017


Normally being greeted by a roomful of hot guys in uniforms would be a really fun way to start my day. But then finding out I'm going to be stuck in quarantine for 48 hours? Yeah, not so fun. Especially when I don't really get sick. Ever.

At least there's room service and a decent selection of stuff to watch online, since the telly is only showing the extremely boring "what's up with Jack's blood?" channel.

Oct. 16th, 2017


Why did I decide going back to school? I just need a big plate of chips, not from here but proper chips.

Filtered to Doctor (10)
Hey! Do you have plans this weekend? I think it's been far too long since the two of us have been on a trip. What do you say?

Oct. 15th, 2017


If anyone finds a misplaced severed head, bring it to me. The owner is being tight-lipped regarding its whereabouts.

Filtered to John Watson  )

Filtered to Prompto Argentum  )


Dinosaur skeletons are our friends. We don't hurt our friends.

I missed so much work this week.

Oct. 12th, 2017


Has anyone seen Ianto since yesterday? I haven't been able to get a hold of him.

Oct. 11th, 2017


So, my flat is here. I finally found it. It looks exactly as I left it.

Oct. 9th, 2017


[Text Messages to Rose Tyler]
>> Maybe you can help me with something?
>> I'm looking for a therapist in Tumbleweed
>> Hopefully somebody who's also like us, who came from another universe
>> I want to be able to talk freely without being assumed I'm delusional on top of everything else

Oct. 8th, 2017


[Filtered to Whoverse peeps]
I should be out of here around ten o'clock tonight. If not tonight, then we all need to have a reunion/meet and greet tomorrow. It's been much too long since I've seen some of you, and others I have yet to meet. You can't even imagine (no maybe you can) how excited I am for this.

Oct. 7th, 2017


I'm disappointed in Tumbleweed.

I went to the Farmer's Market today, and I didn't find a single farmer for sale.

Oct. 6th, 2017


I've been in some very precarious situations before. This is nothing new to me, but it would be helpful to know whether or not the people keeping me here are friendly

Oct. 5th, 2017


Network Post

Alright, so this place isn't quite the amateur hour that it appeared at first glance. Either that or I have completely lost my touch.

Fortunately, I know the whole solitary confinement drill. Looks like it's just me, this hilariously quaint computer, and some kind of film database. Any suggestions on what to watch? What will either give us something to talk about when I do get out of here or lend a bit of clarity to this place, wherever this place is?


Network Post

I could get out of here if I wanted to. But I don't want to.

If I ordered a pizza, would they deliver it to quarantine?

Oct. 4th, 2017


Okay, so that was weirder than normal. For anyone curious, I no longer think I am Mary Poppins.

Everyone else back to normal?


In the middle of all this I think it's important that we take a moment to remember

one image, unfiltered )

Oct. 3rd, 2017


So what's the commonality between the people who changed, vs the people who didn't? I was drinking a little and I probably tried most of the food so less likely to be something consumable. Ordered my costume off the internet a couple of months ago, what about everyone else?

Oct. 1st, 2017


Network Post

Blog Post #1
I'm never going to say 'nothing happens to me' ever again.

The place where I was taken from was an island called Preya, located somewhere, probably in another dimension. You were invited to come so you could 'start a new life', but once you accepted, you were not permitted to leave, even if you changed your mind. Those who were determined to escape were deemed 'rebels', and the government, whose leaders we never saw, were trying to catch and imprison any rebellious behavior. Not as ominous as mysterious vortex that sucks you away and brings you to Tumbleweed.

It was a big surprise to find my London apartment here. If it's a duplicate, it's a damn good one. Everything is there, down to Sherlock's secret stack of cigarettes. The flat feels empty without him

Looking for a job tomorrow. I understand the hospital is hiring?

Sep. 28th, 2017


Network Post

Please, could somebody tell me, is there a Sherlock Holmes anywhere? He's my boyfriend, and we were separated when that vortex thing brought me here.


Network Post

I've only just arrived, but two separate people have already told me that I've been here before. I'm guessing he must've been from an alternative universe than my own, because I'm sure I would've remembered a swirling blue vortex and being quarantined. I tried astral projecting, but I can't leave the room

I'm Dr. Stephen Strange. I'll be out in a couple of days.

Sep. 27th, 2017


Dare I ask if anyone's really comfortable with learning alien tech here?

Sep. 26th, 2017


So, my daughter wants to be a princess spy for Halloween.

Sep. 21st, 2017


Who's going to the Bronze tomorrow night? I feel the need to wear something autumn-like and drink cider. But you know, not along, because that's sad. Stabbing my pumpkin alone is pretty great though.

Sep. 18th, 2017


Okay, so here's the thing. Some of you have talked to me and know this, and some of you don't, but...

I'm a zombie.

And I know. There's a lot of bad things about it, so I'm going to open up the floor for questions. Ask me anything, and I'll answer.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Helena's started talking about Halloween. I feel like we just went through this yesterday. How has it already been a year? She mentioned Jackie.

I asked her what she was hoping to dress as and I got told it's a secret and she has to talk to "Luna and Credence." So, you two, has she done so yet? Are you all conspiring?

Sep. 15th, 2017


Cassini-Huygens, 15 October 1997 - 15 September 2017

They're crashing it into Saturn to make sure the moons don't get contaminated and it will be transmitting right up until it starts burning in the upper atmosphere. It's taken some fantastic images since it's been there.


It's typical that it's only after school started again that I suddenly want to take a trip through Europe for a few weeks. I miss traveling. I haven't even been banned from a casino in this dimension.

Sep. 6th, 2017


I never had a facebook or a myspace or any of those things so this is a fairly new ground for me. I can't say I love doing this but they said it is the best way to get to know everyone in the town. And now that I've settled into my apartment, well, I guess I've got the time.

So, hello. Neal Cassidy. I look forward to meeting everyone.


Sep. 5th, 2017


The downside of watching HGTV is that you suddenly feel like you can take on a project despite having zero experience. Also, what is it with these shows and shiplap and everything being perfectly clean? I get that it's a show and you know presentation counts, but at least make it seem like an actual family could live there.

Then again, I might not actually have good taste. My room was very pink and light purple back home.

Hey! So, forgot to mention this sooner, but I've moved to location. I have a nice new roommate, don't know if any of you have seen or talked to her, her name's Liv Moore.

Sep. 2nd, 2017


I guess that was summer.

Well this was weird to stumble over.

Aug. 30th, 2017


I'm pleased to announce that I will be teaching Art History and Art at EPS this year. For those of you that are enrolled in my class, my name is Neal Caffrey. It'll be a pleasure working with you all.

Now I realize that classes aren't starting until next week, but I'd like for you all to think about what you'd like to learn in class. I obviously have ideas, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to new ones. Let me know what you're thinking and what you'd like to cover.

In other news I'm also going to be holding art classes at the community center twice a week in the evenings, for anyone that isn't of school age and wants to have a creative outlet. They'll be every Tuesday and Thursday for 6 to 8 pm.

And as always I'm open for commissions.

Aug. 23rd, 2017


Okay, I can't stand this living alone thing anymore.

Does anyone need a roommate? I've got a second bedroom in a cute 2 bedroom with an open floor plan. Bedroom's are spacious. Two bathrooms. Fully furnished.


Remind me to never take any more dares from people out of town who can't do the dare either. Albus.

Felt like my whole body was one giant ache.

Aug. 20th, 2017


One more year until I hit 30 and I've only died four times.

Aug. 12th, 2017


cut for image )

We've taken hundreds of photographs already but Helena was adamant that we share this one with "everyone at home." Gramps, she wanted you to see it in particular. She said you'd love it. I guess she thinks you like elephants? Have you two discussed elephants at any point?

Aug. 13th, 2017


Ever found yourself thinking, "You know what I really need? A salt shaker I can control with my smart phone that also plays music." Amazing what you can find on the internet.

Aug. 10th, 2017


Between the forced captivity and the whole "Central City doesn't exist here" thing, this is definitely the worst interdimensional travel I've done so far.

Aug. 9th, 2017


You'd think after spending a number of decades frozen mid-battle with a giant metal robot of death and a world full of meta-humans, meta-mutants, and galactic villainy, nothing could surprise me. And yet here I am in the middle of some alternate universe full of strangers some with familiar faces. So, while this is definitely not Metropolis anymore, would someone tell me what's a guy to do around here to get settled in properly?

Aug. 8th, 2017


So apparently this isn't some sort of blacksite created via Tesseract research, I haven't been detained against my will, and I should try and restrain my urges to bash my way out of this containment unit. So I'll do everything against my instincts right now and just sit tight.

I'm sure it'll all make sense once I have time to adjust.


Well! I've elected to take a position at the uni. Ought to keep me busy and... well. Grounded, suppose. Bit resigned to it. Not that I've given up sorting out this problem. I'll not be throwing in the towel there, 'course not. Just have a spot of free time to fill here and there. Splendid way to get to know some of the locals for the better, too, eh?


If not for you lot, I'd have thought I'd missed three quarters of this town the first go round. Decided I've no love for time travel, very much prefer to stay here happily ensconced in the arms of your aptly named air conditioners. Could've used one of those on the Pearl in her day, and certainly everywhere else in the discovered world.

How's a bloke go about making enough coin to sail around the world instead of lingering here on dry land for too long, I wonder.

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