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May. 20th, 2018


ROGUE (616)
So I made teleporter bracelets for your island thing. Only I haven't figured out what everyone is gonna want them to look like. Right now they just look like leather bracelets or they're invisible. I don't really want to make a million of them looking all the same, but a million specially customized ones is a headache too, so... that's the only part I need to figure out, is what I'm saying.

And what's your plan for getting them to new people who might not know immediately about the island? I can make them so they can't be used by anyone looking to hurt the island or the people or dinosaurs on it, so I guess I could just make a bunch and give them to you or Fort Neill. Or whatever.

Looks like Quidditch is a bigger thing than you were expecting it to be. You think you're gonna need more brooms?

I guess you can tell the people running it that I made them, in case they have any problems with them, but ask them not to advertise it. Even though it's not really a secret anymore. Also if they're gonna be asking me for more shit then I better get something out of it.



As you may or may not know, The Pit has been under construction for some time now. Due to the delay caused by our Ocean Cruise, we've just recently finished construction on our dedicated Quidditch Pitch and are almost ready to received visitors.

We will be opening our doors, so to speak, on Tuesday May 29th at 8 AM. However, we invite everyone to come out to the premises on Sunday May 27th. We will be having an open house on that day so if you've never seen Quidditch in action or how a broom flies, you can come get a glimpse ahead of time. We are planning on a full day of pickup games and will be showing everyone how the game is played should people need explanation.

The Pit is user friendly and if you've ever had a dream of mounting a broom and taking to the air then we are here for you. While we have rental brooms available for all Wizards and Witches, we also have brooms specifically designed for use by non magical patrons. That's right. You do not have to have magic in order to participate.

I've provided a schedule of what we currently offer here. There will be lessons available beginning on opening day and ideally, once we have enough interested people, we will begin to have weekend matches in the near future.

Thank you.

I need one more instructor. Does anyone have interest in teaching flying and would like to interview with myself, Bill and James?

May. 19th, 2018


At least I'm in different clothes this time and not my Aglionby uniform. And I can at least say I wasn't in my pajamas. It's weird to be back, though.

And I got to shove Ronan in a bonfire, so that was an experience.

May. 17th, 2018


[Filtered to Friends]
I'm thinking about having a bonfire tomorrow because 1. I haven't gotten to push Ronan into the fire yet and 2. I need to set this skateboard on fire.


Does anyone know a good tattoo parlour in town?

May. 15th, 2018


[Team Barnacles]
Hey Ronan. You're like a ghost now, right?

I have a really important question to ask you. This is like a pretty big deal for me.

...Can I punch you? I'm like never going to get this opportunity again, man. My human bucket list is pretty much eat food, enjoy sun and punch me some ghosts.

So can I???


who: Noah Czerny & Ronan Lynch
when: Early morning, May 15
where: Monmouth, his room
What: Dreamer nightmares
warnings: Mentions of death, blood, lots of panicy things
status: In progress.

but even then, the panic was tinged with a small amount of hope around the edges at first: hope that he'd be saved, hope that it had been an accident and Whelk would come around and call for help )

May. 12th, 2018


[Voice to Text]
I can see again! I didn't think I can't believe It's amazing, the colors, the shapes! I want to see everything! All of you, all my friends! I need to go to New York, I want to see Hell's Kitchen, even though it's not my Hell's Kitchen. I want to see mountains and the ocean and I'm watching the sun setting now.

Movies! I'll be able to see movies! And all those television shows people have been talking about!


I actually tripped over something today. I'm not supposed to be able to trip over anything. Also I think I have a bruise? Gansey? Did you guys do something? I didn't do this. I can actually feel how warm it is and my stomach feels weird. Time feels really weird again, too. Like it's going slow but fast at the same time. Can someone explain what's happening?

[ooc: happening at the beginning of the plot]

May. 10th, 2018


#big mood

May. 9th, 2018


Are you free Saturday?

Someone wanted you to see this.

We never did take that Disney world trip.

How do you both feel about the subject of Florida?

May. 7th, 2018


I'd like to issue a warning for anyone who comes into contact with Holland Vosijk. He's a dangerous magician who, in the past, has endeavored to kill me, my family, and destroy my world. Please be wary of the information you provide him with.


Gansey had been speaking to Holland, and it concerns me.


WHO: Ronan Lynch & Noah Czerny
WHAT: awake at night, talking about teleporter bracelets
WHEN: backdated to like a week or two ago
WHERE: Barns/Monmouth
WARNINGS: I don't think there are any.

... )

May. 6th, 2018


Who wants to be my second (or third, fourth, fifth) test subject for a teleporting bracelet?

The first one being me. And it worked, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you.


Thank you all for coming on Friday. It meant a lot to me, and I'm sure Fen as well, that you were willing to come welcome her to our community. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

You know, Murphy was included in the invitation.

I was wanting to speak to you both about Megan. Would it be alright if I took her on a field trip for a week near the end of the semester? It would be taking place on the Island that Rogue has created and, if you give permission, will be serving not only as a field trip but a final project for what we've been working on with her magic studies this year.

(Edited in Later)

How do you feel about a field trip for a final instead of an actual final?


I went through a portal! It was a hoot!

May. 1st, 2018



Open jam session at my house. Come whenever, leave whenever.

No freeloaders. Must sing, beat box, play an instrument, whatever. Don't care what your style is.

Bring your own snacks.

I have an extra bass or two and a keyboard, but the keyboard is from Ooo so it looks kinda different.

[Image of Marceline's keyboard] )

Whatever, I can show you how to use it.


Who: Ronan Lynch, Matt Murdock
What: Ronan takes Matt to his Church
When: Wednesday, April 11, after making arrangments during this exchange
Where: St Agnes Church in Tumbleweed
Warnings: On the low side
Status: Complete in gdocs

My brother used to take organ lessons here... )

Apr. 29th, 2018


[Filtered separately to Ronan Lynch and Anakin Solo]
Fen is here and she would like to meet you. I guess she is not mad about how I pretended to be her daughter.

I am not sure how this is supposed to go. I have never introduced people. I think she won't mind a couple days to get used to things. But she said she wanted to, so I thought I'd tell you.


Alright. I need everyone to level with me.

Most embarrassing video on youtube about you or doppleganger-you. Go.

Cuz this? What is this lady even doing with my voice? What is this song?

Apr. 28th, 2018


Hello, I am Fen, Acting High King of Fillory.

I understand my friends my subjects the High King is here in this city, and I wish to speak to my fellow Fillorians. Please.

[OOC: Thar be Magicians season 3 spoilers in the comments, folks.]


Shout out to Rapax Races, which if you don't already know, is a go-kart track in the Northern part of town. It's owned and operated by Ronan, who totally had his ass handed to him a couple of weeks ago when I went behind the wheel for the first time.

I'm taking on anybody who thinks they can beat me. Yes, this is a challenge.


Modular prosthetic arm designs: done.
Electric Mareep yarn: ready for further testing. See, there was logic behind bringing back a sheep.

#tagyourself, I'm Weedle/Seadra.

Apr. 27th, 2018


Well, I found something AWESOME mostly because it makes me feel even cooler than I already am.

Cut for picture, not filtered )

Apr. 24th, 2018


We should do something tonight.


Potion works. Margo's not a vegetable because I'm amazing. Any time something tries to physically or mentally update you, you will glow purple briefly - that's the barrier pushing it back.

All of you that helped get the ingredients will get two vials each. Take it, don't take it, I don't care. If you want more, it's not free. Offer something up in exchange and I'll consider it. And no, I'm currently not going to be offering it to the public because I have a limited amount of it.

You can pick your vials up at my storefront tomorrow from noon to 3 PM. Address.

So most of you already know about the memory potion I've been working on for awhile now. It works. It won't stop us from getting sent back to our worlds, but it does prevent a person from losing an eye like Margo did or getting memories of a future we're not living.

I intend to take it. My life is here now, I want to experience it without the fear of something forcing another set of memories or physical changes on me. If any of you wish to take it, come see me anytime. I won't force anyone to take it, but I know I like how all of you are and how you're all growing naturally here.

Apr. 22nd, 2018


[Filter: Friends of Marceline*]
You are going to get a portal. If you do not get a portal we are going to have problems.

(*Marceline was pretty liberal with this filter. Please feel free to assume you're included, even if you only had one interaction with her that one time.)

[LATER, Filter: Neal, Emma & Regina]
So, you're all getting portals, right?

[EVEN LATER, Filter 3: Henry Mills]
Yo, Henry.


Right so, I ain’t sure when we’ll be actually needing this, but I’ve gone and set up an emergency location for the Displaced for whenever shit hits the fan and we can’t go staying here in Tumbleweed. While I’d really like something like those bracelets we all had on the cruise for teleporting everyone no matter where they might be to be around for use, they just ain’t. Hit me up if’n ya think you can make something like that.

I’ve been working to finish adding up housing options and gotten some people to help limit the path of the local fauna that might’ve caused us all some issues if they were allowed to run around everywhere. It runs on solar power and backup generators. Wind power is getting installed soon once I figure out where would be best to go setting it up. There’s a greenhouse that’s already up and running and livestock are getting settled in this week.

[Pretend there's some pictures inserted here for everyone to see.]

So if’n you’re wanting access to it, what you’re gonna need is a portal set up in your house or your place of business (if its Displaced owned). Put your name down here if ya want in and we’ll get ya set up. Just like on the cruise, only the Displaced will be able to head through them there and back.

Hopefully it won't need to be used, but better to have something in place than not.

Apr. 21st, 2018


text → Ronan

text → Ronan Lynch
» Do you have Fray with you?

Apr. 19th, 2018


[Private to Ronan Lynch]
I got you something. Well, I got help so you could have this to make up for being a bad friend. Even if you already stopped being mad. I hope you like it.

[Attached is a copy of the Murder Squash song sung by Marceline and Noah]


Mal and I got married.


Apr. 14th, 2018


First day on the new job. I can pretty much just listen to music all day so it's cool. There's a lot out there. But can we just talk about this for a moment?

Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA, $8

Bold artistic statement to make the album cover a picture of your butt or something else?

Naturally, I had to give it a listen. Some of it is actually pretty good. I kinda dig this song.

You can buy it at ⚡ or whatever.

I'm bored. What else should I listen to?

You available to look again tonight? I'm okay if anyone else joins us.

Apr. 12th, 2018


Who: Marceline & Ronan
What: Ronan gets Marcy off her butt.
Where: Marcy’s Ugly Pink House
When: Thursday, the 12th
Warnings: Mild mentions of nuclear war

Grow a pair of what? )

Apr. 9th, 2018


It's strange going to sleep on the boat and waking up in my old bed at the farm. The same farm that burned down back home. I've searched every inch of the property and it's definitely the family farm. Even the barn is here. At least there aren't any Walkers All the plants I found while on the boat are on the porch, so I should plant a garden now that I've got a place to make one.

[Glenn Rhee]
We should find someone to make our documents for us, since they aren't here. While that's being taken care of, I think we should set up security around the farm. I don't want to take any chances.


What the fuck. St. Agnes is here.

(ooc: added in after this)
Something's up with your vampire girlfriend.


I was surprised to wake up in bed. Mostly I was surprised to "wake up" because I don't really sleep. So that was a little unusual. It's nice to be back. I missed the feeling of the ley line. It's nice to be by something familiar. Also Monmouth is about the same as I remember it.

Apr. 7th, 2018


I got this adorable lil one following me around the last three islands I've been to so I think we're gonna be calling him a member of the family.

I reckon he's a fan of the electromagnetic fields me and Anka Irene keep putting out. Ain't too sure what he's called though.

[Senior X-Men]
And alright. I need to admit that I'm a lil in over my head here and need suggestions on how to teach my daughter that she can't go creating or destroying whatever she would like to at the drop of a hat.

She seems to be picking up on the cues when I ain't all that happy that she decided to go making things outta thing air or disappearing things. But that kinda only works as an after the fact thing. Not a preventative one. Ten month olds ain't the easiest to try and reason with though.


Apr. 6th, 2018


Alice convinced me to ask:

I used to have magic and now I don't. Cursed hands, Quentin and an axe, a whole thing. edit: I still have my hands, they came back. A whole thing, right?

I can't believe Is there a Pokemon that would help?


The small, pink blob was very interesting. It can become very many things. We rode an animal that was like a bull, but three tails and three gray bumps on its head. I forget what it was called. I would like very much to find one for myself. I have things to trade now. There is a squishy tentacle monster, a small not-quite dragon with baby, the angry black ball with purple mist, a over-sized bee.

I would also like to know if anyone is good at clothing. I tried the pants, but they are very tight and I don't like them. I can wear this dress I found until I am able to get more pants.

I have also discovered that people build bears on the ship, but they are not real bears. Just pillow stuffing in a bear suit. I like this one very much

Apr. 4th, 2018


I have read what information has been provided for these creatures that are called a pokeman. I understand some fight and that others have various abilities. The point is to catch them all, but really only six. One of these may be kept.

This seems like stealing

Eliot is injured and so is the man who wears black and looks angry most of the time. Apparently his potential names are various, but mostly he goes by Kylo. I do not know the people here as I have just arrived, but I would like to meet the animals of this land and see if they are talking animals like we have in Fillory. I would like I miss

Apr. 1st, 2018


Who: Marceline & Ronan
What: Marceline and Ronan discuss the flowers.
Where: Some hallway on the ship.
When: March 30th, 5:00 am
Warnings: Ronan says bad words.

Um, do you remember your name? Name three of your friends. )

Mar. 31st, 2018


Fuck it The flowers are magic. They're not going to wilt. They're also not poisonous.

Any other dumb questions? I may or may not answer them.


I guess it's a good thing I'm not a real boy or getting pushed out the window into the water would have meant actually getting wet. It also keeps the concrete from hurting when I get pushed out regular windows and fire from hurting when I get shoved into bonfires.

If we ever find a skyscraper, I'm in trouble.

[Marceline Aberdeer]
Can I ask you a favor?

Mar. 23rd, 2018


So are we doing anything for the birthday boy today or what.

Is it your birthday today too?

Mar. 17th, 2018


WHO: Ronan & ... you? OTA
WHAT: celebrating St. Patty's day
WHEN: Saturday afternoon, up until ball-ish times, unless people want to keep going, but Ronan's gonna be done by then cause he has plans with his boyfriend.
WHERE: all the bars. All of them.
WARNINGS: alcohol. All else TBD

So apparently Ronan is the only one who knows how to actually dance a jig (unless someone else does who hasn't spoken up yet!) so he will be spending a lot of time between bars today, and performing dances a lot like this (minus the girl) and this.

He competed in Irish music & dance competitions as a kid, so he is actually very good. (Y'all are just lucky - or unlucky, depending on your point of view - he doesn't have his musical instruments here.) Slightly sloppier as he gets drunker, but still on point. And he will also be whistling along to the music as he goes. And dressed in a costume much like the dudes in that second video, except nicer, because it's Gansey's clothes and Gansey's clothes are NICE.

And even when he wasn't dancing, he had his Irish music playing full blast, with songs like this (he definitely danced to this one) and this and so on, you get the idea. Some of the music was actually done by him or his dad. You're welcome.

Did you try to dance? Did you let him try to show you how to dance? Did you take pictures? Did you drink? HAVE FUN, GUYS.


All you wannabe Irish motherfuckers get your asses to the bar and I'll show you how it's done. Because clearly I am the most Irish person on this boat.


My mother and father were Irish immigrants. Happy St. Patrick's Day, from the most Irish person on this boat.

Mar. 10th, 2018


So that Neal guy wants me to help him replant a pixie dust tree.

Mar. 9th, 2018


(Attached is photo of the gigantic limb Marceline brought back)

Look what the smartass brought us. Regina, do you think this can be rooted?

Added in later

Hey, Ronan? It's Neal. You have a moment?

Mar. 6th, 2018


Okay, the aerodynamics of how a carpet could possibly fly is throwing me off. How does it work? Or is there a companion driver that has similar powers of an airbender?

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