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Dec. 25th, 2017



James and Lily

I have something I want to show you both.

Dec. 23rd, 2017


Good tidings, everyone, as we are in the season of holidays. As a stranger in a not-so-strange land, it would be my pleasure to get to know you. Please, call me Gansey, and tell me what it is you love. I do not expect it to be Welsh kings and hidden things.

Also, if anyone could do me the great favor of directing one Ronan Lynch to this post or to the military base, I would be most grateful.

Filtered: Adam Parrish (& Ronan Lynch)
When I kindly inquired as to asking after people, I was graciously told the two of you were the only ones here I would know. Whenever you are next available, I would love to catch up. I suspect there's a great deal of it to do. Adam, if you could relay this to Ronan, gratias tibi.

Dec. 21st, 2017


Did anyone else not get what they asked for on their Santa wishlist, or is it just me? I haven't gotten anything at all from that.

I did get my Secret Santa gift, and it's hilarious. Thank you, Secret Santa! You're doing better than regular Santa, so far (I'm holding out hope yet, though! Come through for me, Santa).

Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Secret Santa participants!
When: First thing Wed 20th
Where: A mailbox near you! (Or next to the mailbox.)

Sorted alphabetically by first name:

Albus to Hope )

Ianto to Percy )

Pixie to Zelda )

Dec. 18th, 2017


Did anyone ask this Santa bloke for Quidditch supplies? I don't have my snitch anymore. I think I lost it in the woods. Thought maybe it'd be in my stuff. My copy of Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling somehow made it.


What do you want for Christmas? I already have something for you, but I thought I'd ask. I think you'll like my gift.

Have you moved with Sirius yet? I want to come over sometime, you two are my favorites... not counting my dad. He's special.

Dec. 16th, 2017


I hope that this holiday season everyone is careful about their mistletoe. It is a place where Nargles like to stay. I suppose they might say that this place doesn't have Nargles or Wrackspurts, but we have come here and who knows what has possibly come with us. They can turn invisible, so it isn't like anyone would know. They aren't bad, just mischievous. They usually like to take left shoes and socks, so if any of them go missing, that is why. Don't worry, though. Even lost things have a way of turning up again.

I have made crowns out of muggle fairy lights and the fake flowers that muggles seem to like so much if anyone would like one. I have charmed mine to glow blue.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive. - Charlotte Brontë

My dad used to tell me this when I was sad.

[filter to Yuna]
You're friends with Rikku, right? What kind of stuff would she want as a gift?


OI. Those of you that showed interest in Quidditch and need to learn how to fly meet me at the pit. Today. 5 PM. We need to make sure you lot aren't going to be crashing into each other during games because you don't know the basics. Because as wholly entertaining as that would be, that'd be an entirely different kind of sport than Quidditch.

The following have shown interest in some sort of game league going on. If you have interest, speak up, so I know who to send try out invites to when we get this up and running.

Potential Participants )





"Santa Clause" gave Helena a list, too. She just informed me she wrote a letter to Santa and mailed it all by herself. [...] I have no idea what she put on it. I need to sit down.

Luna. Credence. Please tell me you saw what she wrote.


[Private to the Cast and Crew of The Christmas Carol]
I just found out that Mordecai and Dash were both taken back home. I got to know them well, working on the play together, and they'll be missed.

Mordecai taught us everything we need to know for our dance numbers, all we have to do is continue with what we've learned. Fortunately, I did a video recording of the choreography, so if we need a reference, we can watch that.

As for Scrooge's nephew, Fred, I'll be picking that up that role. Costumers, we'll just need to alter what was sewn for Mordecai, and add a spot for my tail in the trousers.

Stitch, I'm counting on you, buddy. I need you to play Tiny Tim in addition to the boy in the street. Do you think you can remember his lines? Opening night is only 13 days away.

NOBODY ELSE IS ALLOWED TO LEAVE UNTIL AFTER THE PERFORMANCES! Seriously, please. We can't afford to miss any more performers.

Is there anything else I've missed? Honestly, it's been a crazy morning.

[Private to Logan]
What are you up to?

Dec. 2nd, 2017


[Weasley clan, Burrow residents, friends]
I need sweater sizes.

Nov. 26th, 2017


This muggle device is brilliant it prints out everything you speak into it like some kind of self writing quill rubbish at punctuation Ron Weasley reporting live from what can only be described as a muggle boredom chamber right now how do you get it to stop immobulus no stop Merlin's tits

Nov. 18th, 2017


(002) Charlie Weasley (ExOblivione)

It's kinda bloody fantastic to be out of those rooms. Not that there's anything wrong with them. They're posh and all, but I never was much one for sitting still. Especially not inside.

Considering that I'm an entire world away from the Cannons, let's get to the other important things:

1) Who is working on getting Quidditch working here? I'm very interested in helping with that.

2) Best pub in town.

I'm sure I'll come up with some other things, but these are probably the most important.

[Filter: Harry Potter, Albus Potter, & Tonks]
All of you took the extra time to get me up to speed, and I owe you all.


Nov. 14th, 2017


Emmeline has already filled me in on why I am in quarantine. There is no need to explain that part to me any further.


What is all this? Who brought me here? I NEED TO GET HOME TO MY CHILDREN.

I have a four month old at home and she needs her mother.

Nov. 8th, 2017


(030) Poe Dameron

I've decided a watchdown of all of the Christmas Carol productions in existence is how I'm preparing for what will (hopefully) be my next theatrical experience here on planet Earth.

I'm not certain if I should start with the one with the frog, or the one with the mouse. Thoughts?

You know, it might not be a half bad time to go look at dogs, what do you say?


Well fuck that turned into an interesting night. The Bonfire was good though.

Thanks for organising it. It was fun despite the ending.

HP Crew
So. I think I might have come across cold and disinterested to some of you. I kind of can be brusque for those who don't know me. I do want to get to know you guys though. So. Drinks and a get together this weekend at mine?

Nov. 6th, 2017


Tumbleweed Community Theater Proudly Presents

Directed by Kurt Wagner * Produced by Kitty Pryde


Saturday, November 11th - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
at the Tumbleweed Commity Theater.
Come prepared with a short monologue of your choosing. You will be asked to read scenes from the script of the character(s) you're auditioning for.

The PDF version of the script may be found here
Characters Needed )

Inquires and questions may be made to this post, or to Kurt Wagner, privately. Thank you, and break a leg!

Nov. 5th, 2017


My name's Harry Potter and I'm looking for anyone who might know me. I could use a visit. If we're allowed visitors. If not, I'd like a crossword puzzle.

Nov. 3rd, 2017


WHO: James & Sirius
WHAT: talking about some hard stuff while drunk & then it ends on a good note.
WHEN: tonight!
WHERE: out on the streets in Tumbleweed
WARNINGS: mention of the werewolf stuff that happened in Jaha, aka people being turned and killed

Getting old is the worst. Actually, I can’t decide. Getting old, or dying before you get old? )


Come down to the Waterin' Hole. Drinks are on James for my birthday!

Oct. 31st, 2017


If it hadn't been for people telling me I needed to buy candy in case of children showing up to the house, I might not have. I've never experienced trick-or-treating.

Oct. 27th, 2017


If I leave now I might be able to follow the monkey's trail before the wind disperses it too much. If anyone thinks they can contribute and can keep up somehow it might be useful to have the option to spread out. Best if you have some kind of tracking skill or survival training but we may also need to fight or see to injured people.

[mostly those who signed up on the ooc post. and probably assume this was.... somewhat earlier than a full day after they got kidnapped lol sorry]

Oct. 16th, 2017


So, this internet is fascinating and soul consuming. So fucking helpful in learning everything. That and I've been lurking on here to see what people posted but honestly there's so little fucking time to do all of that.

So now I want to meet all you gorgeous people properly if we already haven't. Especially those of you who know me from home cause that's just creepy and I need to fix that.

Also what's a job here that I can do? I was a HitW back home.

Oct. 15th, 2017


[Ben Reilly]
Happy Belated Birthday, man. Drinks are on me.

I tracked down most of the FF stuff Google mentioned. Wanna check them out with me? If you're busy, that's cool. I'll just live text you.

Who's up for watching a bunch of Fantastic Four stuff with me? I've found three movies and a some cartoons. Back home, we usually just get documentaries and comics and stuff so this'll be cool. Open invitation. If you come, bring some drinks and snacks. Party starts in a few hours.

Oct. 14th, 2017


I'm certain I will have to suffer all the exasperated looks for this later, but I've weathered far worse in my life. ...Well, lives. Technicality, really.

Everyone please wish Ben Reilly a happy birthday. If you would like to say it with emojis, gifs, or obnoxiously large glittery text generators, please do. By all means.

Pick a location. Any location.

Oct. 12th, 2017


Note to self (and everybody else): do not dress up in a costume that I wouldn't actually want to become. Being my son for four days was really bloody weird. And now I have some of his memories, too, if they're even real

Maybe I'll just skip over the Halloween thing, yeah? Seeing as it's the day I I don't actually have a great track record with that day anyhow.


Has anyone seen Ianto since yesterday? I haven't been able to get a hold of him.

Oct. 10th, 2017


Just what I wanted. Going from one enclosed space to another.

The hell's going on here?

Oct. 8th, 2017


Freedom! Someone point me in the direction of JJ's and then the nearest bottle of good (free!) whiskey.

Oct. 5th, 2017


That was unusual. I have never turned into anything I wasn't before. Not even with Transfiguration.

Oct. 2nd, 2017


I'm the real Harry Potter. The other one is a Polyjuiced impostor.

Sep. 26th, 2017


Teddy is gone.

Sep. 19th, 2017


filter to bill weasley, rocket & groot )
wizarding world + rocket & groot )
filter to emmeline vance )


Yorkshire Gold is a godsend.

I've finally calmed down to the point where I can shift again.
Though being in quarantine is still bollocks. One more day and I'm free.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Helena's started talking about Halloween. I feel like we just went through this yesterday. How has it already been a year? She mentioned Jackie.

I asked her what she was hoping to dress as and I got told it's a secret and she has to talk to "Luna and Credence." So, you two, has she done so yet? Are you all conspiring?

Sep. 11th, 2017


I am very glad I was able to get settled in over the weekend and tour around the town. It's quite exciting here! I have never been to the States before, but I enjoy traveling! I should look into buying a new camera, there are many places around here that I would like to capture.

I'm sorry I did not introduce myself properly last time, as you can imagine, I was quite dérangé. My name is Gabrielle Delacour and I am 16 years old. Or at least I had already turned 16 but I see it is only September here, perhaps I will have another 16th birthday come February!

I know I've asked my sister and brother-in-law, but what do I do for school? I was in my Fifth year at Beauxbatons, is there a magical school that I may attend?

Sep. 5th, 2017


There's evidently this restaurant in the new section of town that is pretty good. It's some type of Italian place. I was thinking, maybe, we could all go on Friday? Hermione will be invited, of course, and I'll ask Teddy.

And I was thinking we should invite Petunia.

Do you like Italian?

How was Las Vegas?

Sep. 1st, 2017


Going to Vegas this weekend, whose in?


What the fuck did I do now?

Aug. 31st, 2017


I am trying to decide what to bring to school for lunch. Apparently school lunches are not very good or so I have been told. Something about chewy pizza. I think I will miss Hogwarts meals.

Albus, can we do a Hogwarts inspired meal for dinner tonight?

Aug. 22nd, 2017


The last time there was a total eclipse while I was alive, I was only one! I've seen a few partial but it was nothing like it was yesterday. I'm so glad I popped on over into the "path of totality" for the full experience. I feel like all of my years of astronomy have culminated in those few minutes!

Aug. 14th, 2017


(voice post)

I can't hold this bloody phone or my wand HELP

Jul. 31st, 2017


It is short notice, I know, but how do you all feel about going out to dinner tonight?

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Jul. 29th, 2017


I know I should've mentioned this earlier, but things were, well, y'know, drought past times with what looks like added monsters and then surprise full moon, so minds' elsewhere, yeah?

Anyways, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Pete's gone back.

[The Marauders]
So, that pod thing. Who wants to make that happen again? Possibly with more elbow room and more comfortable seats?

Jul. 20th, 2017


I know Matt got the start of watches put in place last night, but with knowing the town has an idea of where we're located, we might wanna be upping that a bit.

Anyone able to shield the area from others entering that ain't ours? Or setting up some sort of security perimeter around the new shelter we got going?

And I'd say don't travel without a buddy. Preferably more'n one person just in case anything does happen.

Jul. 19th, 2017


If anybody needs water, warming charms, anything else - let me know. I've got my magic working now that I'm out of my pod.


I can gather light if that's helpful to anyone right now.

Jul. 20th, 2017


New place #5.

As of now (10.38pm according to the tablet) here is who's checked in or been spoken for:

Jul. 11th, 2017


[...] I don't believe there is an easy way to say this when it happens but Nymphadora disappeared this morning. I apologize for not saying anything until now but [...] there were matters that needed attended to and I [...]

[...] I'm sorry.

Jul. 5th, 2017


As good a place as any to take a short break. I almost forgot how comfy this spot is.

unfiltered photo )

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