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August 19th, 2018

[info]fabulous in [info]thedisplaced

[backdated to Saturday about 11am]

Okay so I woke up this morning,
and my brain gave out a warning.
Bad poetry's not how I talk,
I much prefer the catwalk.
Someone take off this spell,
I feel like I'm in hell!

[info]viva_america in [info]thedisplaced

The only thing that makes it harder to watch a movie than people throwing tomatoes at the screen: the characters stopping the movie to throw them back.

[info]thwipsandquips in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Ben Reilly & Peter Parker (94)
WHEN: Before the weekend started
WHERE: Parker house!
WHAT: Ben breaks Peter's brain a little. Twice.
WARNINGS: Teenager doofs

Man, you have no idea. )

[info]zunia in [info]thedisplaced

Later this evening

There are giant mosquitos and I need someone to assist me.

[info]royalpaininthe in [info]thedisplaced

I have one vital question.

Where's Batman in all of this? If you ask me, we've been cheated.

Gif under cut. )

[info]joysucker in [info]thedisplaced

These are constantly strange times. I could never have imagined thanking my lucky stars that I am not turned into something else Peter would enjoy watching on a Saturday morning. May this latest craze pass swiftly and without egregious harm.

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

who: Ren & Fen
when: August 16, after this.
where: Fen's room, Physical Cottage.
What: Ren goes to air frustrations, which morphs into him explaining at least a bit of what is going on.
warnings: Domestic arguing, nothing horrifically out of line. Kylo Ren acting immature. The usual.
status: COMPLETE.

She was trying to be calm. )

[info]voxt in [info]thedisplaced

How much for a portal for two to Kerala, India?

Dates and times are fairly flexible. And we won't need a return trip.

[info]boywhobelieves in [info]thedisplaced

I'm giving in my two weeks notice.

[info]deathbenotproud in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to X-men + friends / business associates]
So I'm finally delighted with the reno we've been doing on the the first floor since our little dragon-shaped hole last month. So let's have a little housewarming party on Friday to show it off. 6 pm, the Aerie?

Unless you're a cartoon. Or Bobby.

[info]joysucker in [info]thedisplaced

who gamora & peter
what comforting him
where their room
when after spidey showed up
warnings very PG, just guilt, light smoochies, and INFINITY WAR SPOILERS if you dare. also it's heavy with the sads.

Read more... )

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedisplaced

Can't have been lurking about in my TARDIS that long to have missed cartoons among us! Brilliant! A bit. Yes? Suppose I could try my hand at reversing this whole thing instead of tinkering away at my ship, but -- well, I'd have to get access to that portal. What's a good Doctor got to do to make that happen?

filter: Clara Oswald, Baelfire, Marceline, Henry Mills
Hello! Been a spell since we've gone on adventure, hasn't it? Let's remedy that! Haven't got much time from now 'til classes kick off again!

[info]thehuttslayer in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa (canon)
WHEN: Several weeks ago
WHERE: JJ's or lunch.
WHAT: Anakin and Leia agree to have lunch together, but it's kind of hard when your father was a homicidal maniac who tried to kill you a bunch of times.
TRIGGERS: Talk of Jedi Temple slaughter, Padmé's death, and you know, general Star Wars deaths.

What do you get when you toss Darth Vader and Princess Leia together in a restaurant? Awkwardness. That's what you get. )