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August 14th, 2018

[info]firststeps in [info]thedisplaced

The video starts with a shake of the camera, like the phone was fumbled, but the image is too close and everything is out of focus. After a couple seconds, the phone is dropped and facing up at a ceiling. In the background, nearby, there is loud barking taking place. Another moment later, an animated but familiar shape of a common toy steps into frame sporting Rey's formerly signature hairstyle. She's lacking a mouth but her eyebrows are drawn down in a frustrated look. Eyes focus in on the camera and she starts vocalizing but no words come out. At best, it sounds like frustrated grunts and groans coming from the back of her throat. Eyes narrow further and she lifts both her arms in a 'WHAT' gesture. There's very visible frustration that continues on as she moves in and out of frame, with a dog briefly rushing past view, before suddenly the camera shows a stylus begin to float in midair. It comes down close near the camera and suddenly the picture ends, as she has shut the camera off. Within thirty seconds, the following message shows on network.

is this portal

[info]swhite in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Snow White
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Wolf Manor
WHAT: Snow wakes up to find herself very different.
TRIGGERS: Talk of sleeping curse affects, what the dwarfs really did to her (mentions of abuse and rape) & language.

Snow White always slept like a rock.  )

[info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

So I can't talk and it took me twelve tries to type this and I still had to rely on autocorrect to fix things.

I am a tiny cat in my costume. All I can do is meow.

[info]poisonedheart in [info]thedisplaced

First thing's first, any of you hit with this? If not...

I can't work like this. Potter, can you run the baking until this is fixed? Emma and Neal, I need you to manage the front end. I can work in the back in the magical shop and do the accounting and shift reports still, but i can't be seen like this by customers that aren't Displaced like this.

[info]son_of_batman in [info]thedisplaced

Someone will pay for

I am not amused.

[info]andrieski in [info]thedisplaced

I was far too hungover for this when I initially woke up, but if I am subjected to this absolute ridiculousness, well [...] I'd say this was because you threw a blanket at my head for laughing, but I'd have done this anyway.

not an ic cut )

So is this going to be a thing?

[info]everybodymambo in [info]thedisplaced


This isn't giant cat overlords in bowties.

[info]queenofpretend in [info]thedisplaced

I assume you've looked outside. Is your magic capable of breaking this spell? Mr. Chandler and I would both be appreciative.

ooc )

[info]antifa in [info]thedisplaced



We aww agwee dat dis is unusuwah. But we'he used to dat here. We shouwd assesh who aww has been affected and aww be vewy vewy caefuww untiw--caefuww untiw--we should exacise caution untiw we undastand what hash happenedd.

So we need to detahmine wh iz affected and if you n3ed hewp, contact the wesettlement buwwo

But I hope we can aww hewp our neighbas untiw this is sowted owt.

[info]whynonna in [info]thedisplaced

Buried beneath all the cartoon junk, I just wanted to say happy birthday to Doc Holliday. Wherever he is. Back in Purgatory, I guess. He'd be a 167 today. Ha, I'd love to see his face when I mentioned that.

To John Henry Holliday!

[info]blackwidowed in [info]thedisplaced

All right, guys. I need a headcount of my portal guards on who is affected by this latest portal shenanigans. I'll need to know if you think you need someone to temporarily take over your spot while this is ongoing.

ETA: Anakin Skywalker will be conducting cartoon reaction times and combat abilities to make sure you're able to handle it in your current state.

[info]cutsthewire in [info]thedisplaced

I gotta say, as far as portals shenanigans go, this one might be my favorite.

Can anyone out there beat jingoistic water foul?

[info]emeraldserpent in [info]thedisplaced

[Audio Post]

No. ... No, I forbid it.

Did you hear me?

I demand you stop this instant.

Munin put me down!

[The sound cuts out in the middle of what is most definitely a raven laughing itself sick.]

[info]ladycontrary in [info]thedisplaced

Well, this is... different. I think I look like a princess in one of those Disney films. It's unnerving, but it could be worse, I suppose, now that I've gotten over the initial shock.

Mr. Murdock, Mr. Specter, I hope you don't mind that your secretary has been turned into a drawing.

[info]chainsawheart in [info]thedisplaced


*if you turn it upside down, it spells asshole ass

[info]secretwife in [info]thedisplaced

[Friends + Family]
Who else has been affected by the latest portal shenanigans?

[info]aramente in [info]thedisplaced

Okay will someone explain to me what is going on? Because I really don't get it. Is this a magic thing?

[info]isherprotege in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, new outfit is a little weird, but overall not a bad look for me.

not an ic cut )

[info]notmaidmarian in [info]thedisplaced

Might've forgot to mention this, but I'm back in town if you still wanted to show me some things.

[info]buttmonkeys in [info]thedisplaced

If that big old ugly baby Mojo's here I'm going to SQUISH him!