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July 4th, 2018

[info]spidergwen in [info]thedisplaced


You know how some of us, or maybe all of us, I don't know, potentially share faces with celebrities? Have you ever wondered what people are thinking if they see us instead of the actual celebrities?

Because I'm pretty sure the sight of two particularly blond celebrities at NYC pride parade last weekend may eventually hit tabloids and TMZ and have people wondering things. Oops. I mean, at least Johnny didn't flame on or something so at least our real identities are safe.

Filter: Johnny Storm
I know it's not your birthday yet or anything, but I thought I'd get you a gift anyway, and it comes in the form of an excited fan boy. I'm not sure if he'll be asking for your autograph like Molly had.

[info]x_facility in [info]thedisplaced

Jonathon has never been to Canada and it doesn't seem right since he's an adopted Canadian wolverine. I think I might go up this weekend and show him where the old Howlett property should be. Maybe do some hunting. I'm taking the bike so I don't know how much storage I'll have coming back but if someone wants something I might be able to manage it.

The gym should be fine for a few days without me but if there is a problem that can't wait Betsy should be able to reach me. I won't have cell coverage except for parts of the trip and I'm not using my phone on the road. Probably I'll leave Friday morning.

[info]hotmess in [info]thedisplaced

This place sucks. Like, bite me sucks.

What can someone do to blow off steam if they are not 21?

[info]sharksmile in [info]thedisplaced

Last night, my daughter arrived in this world. Alive. Unscathed. She has no memory of what happened to her and her mother. I would, for now, prefer to keep it that way and will be seeking a way to block any mentions of my world on the internet from any searches she makes on her tablet. I have not spoken to many of you here and I am perfectly content to keep it that way, but Nina is a great deal more inquisitive and outgoing than I am.

So should you find yourself speaking to her, please refrain from scarring her or you will find yourself in a regrettable position.

We now live in the boathouse.

With Nina's arrival, I find myself trying to explain who Anka Irene is to her. Through my admittedly lacking explanation of other worlds and other Eriks, she understands that she has a sibling.

Would it be too much to ask if Nina can come along to meet Anka Irene the next time I see her?

[info]fallenrobin in [info]thedisplaced

Tried to get Ace up to go to the manor this morning. Managed to get him to move from my bed to the armchair. We're halfway to the door at least. Chuck's already in the foyer and wondering what's taking so long.

[info]evening_epitaph in [info]thedisplaced

Who: The other Fellow Brits
What: A not celebrating Independence Day Party
When: 3pm till Late Evening
Where: Hellsing Manor
Status: IC/OOC

God save The Queen )

[info]callmemarvel in [info]thedisplaced

[Sue Storm & Wanda Maximoff]
Do me a solid? Don't vanish.

I need someone to call me on my shit, and Jess seems intent to pop in and out of this dimension.

[Sherlock Holmes]
How do you find things going, without your sponsor I mean.

The arrivals and disappearances, they're really starting to harp on at me.

[info]captcommunist in [info]thedisplaced

Who: YOU?
Where: The Barton farm
When: July 4, 2.30ish onwards
What: So many birthdays! Steve, the other Steve, America, the other America...

Cause this is our year/ So wake me up in the Spring/ While I’m high off my American dream )

[info]booberry in [info]thedisplaced

So I got myself in a pickle here. I need to get a job, but I ain't ever had a straight job. I used to be a criminal. Not anymore, no no sir.

But say someone was looking for a job and they had those skills, what would they do?

[info]elizabethross in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Bruce Banner (and the Hulk), Betty Ross
When: Recently, before the 4th though
Where: Avenger’s Compound, laboratory
What: An accident causes an unexpected transformation, and Hulk gets to meet Betty for the first time since she got to Tumbleweed
Warnings: FEELS
Status: Complete in Gdocs

Don't be afraid of your anger. I'll eat it with mustard and wine )

[info]everybodymambo in [info]thedisplaced

» Watch this.

[info]redperilous in [info]thedisplaced

I have never celebrated the American Independence Day and I never thought that I would. I never anticipated living in America. But, as the saying is - "When in Rome". Or in Texas, I guess.


How is the road trip?