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February 22nd, 2018

[info]altean in [info]thedisplaced

Filter: Loki (MCU)
Do you plan on bringing some of that Elven drink to the boats when we leave this place?

Filter: Alice Quinn
Look, last ti Since it'll be I would like to start over.

Filter: Lance & Keith
I wish to have a chat. Before you get scared, no, this is not about either of you.

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

early morning filter to Steve Rogers )

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedisplaced

Does anyone who's already done some exploring have suggestions for the best hiking locations? Nothing that's going to kill me from difficulty or from other dangers, please.

[info]masterofweapons in [info]thedisplaced

Shame I did not appear sooner. This Middle Earth is quite fascinating.

[info]secretwife in [info]thedisplaced

[Han Solo]
Good morning. I thought it best to give you some time to adjust to everything that's been told you so far, but I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Padmé Amidala; I'm the mother of Leia and Luke. I'm very glad you're here.

[info]drinkingproblem in [info]thedisplaced

Late November (Backdated)
Damon ✦ Stefan Salvatore
Damon gives Stefan the tour
I think it’s time you showed me this bar of yours. )

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

Hello! I haven't had a reason to use this network thingie for a while, been too TOO busy. Anything interesting happen while I've been away?

Oh, and I might've misplaced River Song somewhere. Has anybody heard from her recently?

[info]king_quentin in [info]thedisplaced

I have so many regrets and am possibly dying. Could be a temporary feeling. Maybe not.

Added in later

[Brakebills + Kylo]
So we’re leaving Steve alone, okay? Okay.

[info]captcommunist in [info]thedisplaced

[Avengers Mansion people]
Do we need a distraction, and is it gonna run more violent or more (non-violent) fun?

[info]guardtheflame in [info]thedisplaced

Black Hayate has been enjoying the Shire while I interrog- read through the ship's brochure. It would appear this is a rather popular destination based on my research of past updates on this network. There is no mention of such a place in Amestris. It's quite lovely, I must admit. I'm a little ashamed I can't explore more, considering the ship is set to leave in a few days.

[Roy Mustang]
I've gathered more information since our arrival. Miss Rockbell has informed me that people can disappear and reappear from the group that resides on the ship. When they reappear they usually forget having ever been among these people, whereas there are occasions in which people have memories of having been here. They call themselves the Displaced, because every one of them has been taken from a different time period and location, not all of which are connected. Evidently, some dangerous events have happened over the course of this cruise. Miss Rockbell told me that they had previously been docked in a land called Atlantis and during their visit there was an attack by a neighboring kingdom. As far as I know there were no casualties, but many suffered extensive injuries. Further, weapon use is not allowed on the ship and anything resembling fighting or aggressive behavior will result in the robots throwing the guilty party into the brig for a set amount of time. You should also know that there are individuals on the ship who have special abilities. I spoke with a woman who can render herself and others or objects invisible, but she claims it isn't alchemy.

[info]deduce in [info]thedisplaced

Sherlock & Jesse
So, just a few days left, any destinations we want to hit again, or make sure we go to?

I'm almost curious if there are just normal elven robes we can buy somewhere.

[info]royalpaininthe in [info]thedisplaced

A walk in the sunlight in Middle Earth.

That's something I never imagined would come about.

[info]thanksdad in [info]thedisplaced

[River Song]
Are you ok?

[info]soturi in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Marceline and Sif
What: There’s a new vampire in town and she’s going to make sure people know it.
Where: The ship
When: Wednesday, the 21st
Rating: Some mentions of violence (only discussed), and a mention of a bat like creature

Read more... )

[info]imbittered in [info]thedisplaced

(001) Severus Snape

I suppose it is too much to ask that there is a non-headache inducing explanation to all this.

[info]extraflamey in [info]thedisplaced

Has anyone ever tried blending magic and technology? What were your results?

I'm really curious if there's a tried and true way to combine the two. Since they both work with energies within the world I would think there is, but I haven't been able to find a good cross point for them yet.

[info]pactofruin in [info]thedisplaced

While the last stop wasn't too bad, think this one might be more my taste with all the booze that's about.

[Lightning & Vanille]
Let's go for a flight, eh? Get a real good look at the place.

[info]chiefbeifong in [info]thedisplaced

[Korra & Asami]

You two better be staying out of trouble. I don't need to have to come save you from some flameo crazy local.


I'll join the police department when we get back and are off of this damn boat.

[info]outlawthief in [info]thedisplaced

As much fun as camping has been and the amazing company I had, indoor plumbing has been a blessing and it feels very good to be clean shaven again.

What has been everyone's favorite thing about this stop? Any recommendations I have to try before we leave?

[info]roza in [info]thedisplaced

You know, I never really got the whole Lord of the Rings obsession, but I have to admit Middle Earth is pretty fucking awesome. This has been a fun stop.