Posts Tagged: 'peter+b+parker+%28sv%29'

Jul. 12th, 2019



Hello everyone! I'm The Doctor! Pleasure to meet you. I'm not entirely sure if I've been kidnapped, or just fallen into a time vortex or through a dimensional wall, or even a computer simulation. You'd be surprised how often those things can happen, and how very similar they can be in experiences.

Anyway, if I'm not kidnapped could I possibly trouble anyone for some information on my ship? She's blue and looks like a police telephone box on the front. She's really rather precious to me, and she can get rather angry if I leave her for too long.

Lovely place you've got here, so if I HAVE been kidnapped, thank you for that bit, but do know that you're dealing with The Oncoming Storm, and I will stop you!

This also doesn't really smell right, or taste right--where is this? Feels rather odd this place. The ground's a bit... bouncier than most.

Jul. 9th, 2019




Pancho's is closed until further notice. Sorry folks.

Private to Peter B. Parker

Sorry I didn't give you the heads up on this one. Are you feeling like shit, by the way?

Jul. 6th, 2019



So have you ever been just hanging out, clinging to the side of a building while reading a book, when suddenly you feel a sniffle, you cough, and you suddenly slip from said building to crash straight into a sharp bush?

Because that just happened to me.

I haven't felt this sick or weak since that time MJ made beef stroganoff with that weird mystery meat we had in the fridge. Listen, we were poor at the time, you took chances.



Dude, does anyone else have a sore throat? Woke up coughing like crazy. Last time I felt like this was 7th grade when I had to get my tonsils out.

Private to Clint

Hope it's okay, not coming in today. Figure it's probably better if I don't pass this around.

Private to Peter B. Parker

Weird question, but have you gotten sick since the spider bite?? Just checking.

Jul. 1st, 2019



So... hypothetically speaking... if I was to open a deli to make sandwiches like, three hours a day or so? Would people be interested in that sort of thing?

Jun. 27th, 2019



Private to Alpha Peter

Hiiiii. I need a beach day. And I need you to accompany on a beach day. Preferably an abandoned beach where there are no other living things at all. Especially not carnivorous dinosaurs. And we can bring our new friends? I have a butter fairy. His name is Butters, because he calls himself butter fairy and I am respecting his choice to self-identify!

Jun. 26th, 2019



And here I'd hoped thought a good nap might sort all this out. Should have known better.

What are we supposed to do to stay busy around here?

[ooc: it is absolutely IC to say he's been napping or otherwise indisposed as long as I've been busy. Sorry for that- I should be back now!]

Jun. 23rd, 2019



I need a job. Most anything will do, so long as it's either fun or feels productive.

My credentials are that I am brilliant at all things.

So? Whose got something for me, then?



Hey! Thanks to everyone for coming out to my birthday thing even if it was just to watch the movie and have a chill time. That's like my favorite thing to do so I hope everyone enjoyed it. Or at least tolerated it. Apparently my taste in movies isn't everyone else's favorite. That's a thing. Sorry?

ANYWAY I got this little turtle tree animal guy, right? And he's super cute, and he kinda runs around like a little puppy but maybe a tiny bit slower. And since I got this thing, I thought, oh, I should have one of those berry bushes so it can eat? And I got one and planted it outside my place except now it's looking a little floppy? Someone please help me I dont know what im doing and my duderino needs to eat

Jun. 13th, 2019



So is everyone getting one of these things? I'm starting to feel left out.

Okay, now that I'm back on my feet, anyone wanna go through the doors with me? I heard they have a beach.

Jun. 9th, 2019



Hey kids!

Hi, yea, it's me. Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

I couldn't help but notice the doors to the building are opening to... well I'm sure most of you know. Anyway, something tells me out in them there hills are probably a pretty decent amount of supplies, would anyone care to join me for a long walk through a door and do a little exploring?

Jun. 6th, 2019



Goose has been found. Thanks everyone who kept an eye out for him. Doesn't look like he did too much damage.

Private to Peter B. Parker

I think I'm going to be holed up for a little while in my room. Long story. Can you handle the bar this weekend?

Private to Dr. Strange

I need painkillers. High dosage ones. Can you get 'em?

Jun. 5th, 2019



Visible by all three Peter Parkers (Peters Parker?)

All right.

There are evidently three of you and all of you have the same name and can do roughly -- I gather -- the same thing. I think you'll agree this is confusing and I, for one, am having a time trying to keep you all straight.

How are you intending to distinguish yourselves? I'd suggest coming up with something, unless you'd prefer me to start calling you all after spiders.



Oh my god does the universe seriously think I've got nothing better going on?? I didn't ask for an alternate dimension pit stop.

I'm one hundred percent man enough to stop and ask for directions to the way out please and thank you.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Well, now. This is definitely different. The room's not bad, though. And the phone-tablet-tech-device? Better than being stuck without any means of communication.

May. 28th, 2019



What the bloody hell is going on.

And where is my phone?

May. 26th, 2019



My fellow dimensionally marooned, in the effort of conducting research on the commonalities of our disappearance and eliminating down to the lowest common denominator, would all those willing please disclose the circumstances surrounding the time of your disappearance? What was happening in those moments in your life, perhaps even the world on a macro scale if you are so informed.

Sharing your story can absolutely be private, I understand completely. Please be assured that, as a doctor, I hold confidentiality in the highest regard. The only reason I ask is to examine why we were affected. I believe there may be parallel congruencies that left our realities and us, as individuals, all vulnerable to dimensional bleed at the time in which we were taken.

In the effort of transparency and fairness, I will share my own story. Scientific fascists had just invaded Earth and almost succeeded in wiping out every last trace of magic. My librarian and I defeated them and began to foster the rebirth of magic in reality 616. I decided to take a sabbatical to recover while it regrew when I found myself here.



Would anyone be interested in some kind of neighbourhood watch set up? We're all concentrated in one place, leaves a pretty big area going unsupervised.

May. 22nd, 2019



Private ➞ Alpha Peter

I've been workshopping Netflix and chill? jokes for about an hour and I realized it is kind of pointless because A) we don't have Netflix and B) I have the chill part on lock obviouslyyyy

I have a record player with a Fleetwood Mac album, a George Michael album, a Barbra Streisand album, a Whitney Houston album, and apparently the original soundtrack recording of Singin' in the Rain which I never need to listen to again ever. I've been hoping to get my hands on one of the Dazzler albums I remember from when I was a kid, but no luck yet.

You're probably busy at the bar right meow but after....wanna come flip through my record collection and chill?

May. 20th, 2019



Hey guys!

So I love what you've done with the place. It's a bit too quiet for a New Yorker's mind to rest, but that said it smells much nicer here.

That said which of your lovely businesses give out the most calories per meal? I'm starving and need to eat up.

Also, it occurs to me that we're playing Survivor here and I need a job. My skills range from tech to sewing, and I've been told I can make a mean curry, but I did once own my own tech conglomerate, for a short while, so I can help a bit in that department.