Posts Tagged: 'kate+bishop+%28616%29'

Sep. 19th, 2019


Greetings, everyone.

I was able to find a great deal of classic Muggle literature in my latest venture through the doors to look for stock for the library. So the first thing I want to say is that there is an influx of new material to read.

The next thing I wanted to discuss with anyone interested, is something that could get the whole town involved in doing if enough interest is in it. When putting away the new books I found in their shelves, I thought perhaps it might be entertaining and a good way to pass the time if we put on a play. Or perhaps a series of short plays if enough people are interested, based on scenes in famous literature. You wouldn't have to necessarily act to participate. We would need to build a stage, sets, have costumes. It would be a good deal of work, but it seems free time is of abundance around here, and it might be a good way to do something together other than party -- not that, mind you, the parties aren't glorious. It would just be something a bit different, which could be a good thing. And of course there could be after parties after the show itself is put on.

Anyway, if you're interested, let's have a conversation about it. I certainly don't have experience in the area, but it could be quite the adventure.

Sep. 8th, 2019



Is it normal for so many to leave at once?

I have been looking through doors. This is quite frustrating.

Will they stay gone?



I went through a Door this morning and it was really beautiful. Like, some kind of tropical island. They were having some kind of a party... I don't know what language it was they were speaking, but it looked like so much fun. There was dancing and so much food. I saw a little girl who was playing with these flowers, making wreaths and stuff. It was fun to watch for a while.

Then I tried another door and it was a coffee shop in a dark city. There were no people at all, and the lights were all out. There was food in the fridge under the pastry case, so I grabbed some sodas and pre-packaged sandwiches so stock my fridge.

Is there some kind of protocol when taking borrowing absconding appropriating goods in such a way? I feel bad about doing it, but like... I don't know if my money (what little I have) is any good there. How does everyone else handle it?

Sep. 7th, 2019



Alright, I'm reopening Pancho's this weekend, come by if you need a drink or a hot meal. I'll be here.

And if you're looking for a job let me know, I'm gonna need some help keeping this place functioning in the same capacity. So lemme know.

Sep. 5th, 2019



Hey all. I know it's been a pretty tough week for everyone here -- lots of. Well, you know. Less people around. And that's really rough. It is. Even if we all (or most of us) kind of knew the inexplicable and terrible deal that this place comes with.

Just reaching out. To make sure you're all okay, to see if you need anything, or maybe anyone. I'm not much of a hugger myself, but we'll find you one if that's what you need. Nyx? Thor? Someone like that. Pure beefcake hugs.

Also I've convinced our local coffee master and baker to make us some feel good food. So. Head over to COFFEE tomorrow morning for pastries.
(and Crepes for Mr. Fell. See? I told you I'd work on it.)

I know muffins don't fix everything but. Some carbs and company can't hurt.



He's gone. I don't feel his presence anywhere.

I fed his porgs...


Is Master Kenobi upset with me?
Has he hidden himself in the Force somehow?

Sep. 4th, 2019



Has anyone seen Danny around? Danny Rand? It's been a few days and I haven't heard from him. He's not answering his door or his cell phone.

I know people disappear from this place, but I was hoping

Aug. 31st, 2019



Oh dear gods, is it always so boring around here???

I need to do something before I go on a killing spree. Which one of you bitches wants to come with?



I need to drink or punch something. Any volunteers?

Aug. 28th, 2019



These new pink birds around town.

They are quite delicious.

Aug. 27th, 2019



Net Post: Scott Lang

Well I always wanted to go to Vegas. That wasn't quite what I expected but it was fun. And I didn't come back with a weird tattoo or anything.



I intend to rectify this by journeying through the doors regularly, to seek out worlds in need of help. Not to conquer, not to enslave or harm, only to aid should there be a need. If there are any helpful resources to be brought back from these ventures I shall offer them to those in town.

If there are any of you who wish to join me on these quests, I ask you only heed my instruction that this is to help others and not to harm. I should warn you not to deviate from these intentions, else you will find yourself answering to the authority of this town. It would be very unwise.




Next to the vegetable garden is another area where I'm growing different herbs and things for use in potions. So unless it looks like a carrot and smells like a carrot? Don't eat it.

Aug. 26th, 2019



Okay, this is going to sound a little odd, but has anyone seen me?

Not me-me, other me? Big-chin me? I think I've disappeared again.

why do they go on and I'm still here?

Also, what would anyone think of puttin' a trainin' simulator in the TARDIS? I've got plenty of room and after Las Vegas it might not be a bad idea to be prepared- usually not a fan of violence, but with the talents we 'ave here, might be put to good use, eh?

Aug. 25th, 2019



So uh...Vegas was interesting. Never been arrested before. Thanks, Tony, for bailing me out before you left me to the aliens.

Private to Big Peter

Dude, thank you. You ever think about growing a stache for real?

Private to Gwen

I know it's been a bit since I checked up on you. Just kinda letting the heat die down since I don't think your 'dad' was super happy about where we ended up.

You don't hate me, right?

Aug. 22nd, 2019



We're not married. We were never married. I don't want to hear it brought up again. Ever.

Sorry about the flamingos.

Also, frozen alcohol is evil.

On that note, Pancho's now has a strawberry daiquiris machine.



Las Vegas was...interesting. I'm starting to question why everything seems to happen on this Earth, though. It seems to be a planet with a lot of enemies, no matter what universe we step into.



So how was everyone's week??

Because mine was GREAT thanks for asking



So.... we're all still alive right? Like between Las Vegas and aliens and this heat nobody has died as far as we know?

Cause I've been thinking. This whole weather thing is no good - but we're probably going to have to deal with something like this again at some point, it can't be beautiful weather all the time, right? And like winter is a thing and it's coming.

What I'm trying to say is I think we're gonna need to work on some sort of heating cooling system for our houses. It's time to start thinking more long term at this point.

Aug. 21st, 2019



Hey, does anyone know of a pool in this place? Or maybe can we build one? That might really help with this heat. Maybe there's a Wal-Mart on the other side of those Doors that has an above-ground pool? We could bring it back in pieces??

Who's with me?