14 September 2011 at 03:39 pm
Upon entering Sector 4, the very large tent that stands framed by the beach is quickly noticeable. Closer, one can see colors dancing upon the white sheets, like opalesque spires under the moving onyx sky. As you enter one of the wings of the tents, grass give way to wooden flooring, and chains of white blossoms and gold ribbons line the sides. The open dance floor in the center bids one to look up to whimsical white-gold lamps, balls of light dancing in seas of violet, blue, green and pink organza. The fabrics fall down pillars adorned with leaves and flowers. Tables set in white and gold with jewel toned flowers sit at the four wings surrounding the dance floor.

... but it is far too early to take a seat. Smile and greet your fellow attendee, take the hand of a friend, and dance to the music.

Welcome to Marina Academy's First Promenade!

There are large tables with finger foods and punch (not spiked -- save it for the after-party!), and very little space near the walls (sorry, wallflowers! You won't get away so easily. )  After a large number of people are gathered together, Jeanne stands up on the small stage set to the side of the dance floor and taps on the microphone to get everyone's attention...

+ Info post / thread index (please read this first!)
+ Jeanne's greeting speech!
+ Prom King and Queen announcement. (Spoiler: It's Euphie and Kanda.)
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5000 Replies · Maximum comments reached
[ action ]
14 September 2011 at 08:24 pm
[ A short while before the prom is scheduled to get underway, Minako and Orihime take up their posts: lurking at the main avenue into the prom, looking for their victims! The two girls are hanging around outside, looking for solo arrivals and third wheels that they can put together into couples for the big event! ]

[ If you wander too near them, you might hear them calling out to you -- or find them grabbing your arm -- or notice them dragging someone else over to you with big smiles on their faces. ]

((ooc: In this post, introduce yourself to your designated date for the evening! Here is the list of partners, and you can direct questions there!

It would be great if you put your names in the subject of the first comment so that your partner recognizes you. ♥ There is also an optional thread for Minako or Orihime or both to wrangle you~! You can handwave it if you prefer. Please limit threads here to the actual matchmaking, not just socializing: Minako and Orihime will also be at the prom for your friendly chatting needs.))
12 September 2011 at 11:26 pm
What's a Promenade?

More fuckin' human shit?

This prison sure is culturally insensitive, why am I even here if it's goin' to be all humans all the time?
[Action | Closed to Cain and later, Felicia]
28 August 2011 at 09:38 pm
[Once one Ciaphas Cain HERO OF THE IMPERIUM enters his bedroom for the night, he will find that there is a single Eridan sitting on his bed. An Eridan who is looking downward as he kicks his feet and otherwise pulls at the sheets on the bed with lack of anything else better to do, he seems to be pretty miserable -- Almost as miserable as he had been a few days ago. This time, however, there was a new reason for him to miserable. Even if the same reason he was like this last time is now back into affect...

See, not only was he once again the only troll in Marina (there had been so many just yesterday where did they all go)...

... He didn't even get to meet his own Ancestor!]
21 August 2011 at 03:33 pm
[It's late as the low-blooded troll skulks about. Of course, his kind is naturally nocturnal anyway, so to him, it's about the middle of the day. He's not all that tired, used to staying up for even several days at a time, but the situation has made him cranky.] )

[During all his brooding, Rotblade meanders around and finally settles on leaning against the wall of a building along a walkway, glaring and snarling at anyone who passes. And probably talking to them, too, because spending the entire day investigating was boring as hell.]

((OOC: troll AU!Cain reporting for last-minute shenanigans and confusion. o7 No particular sector, assume he's wherever you want.))
[video I open]
16 August 2011 at 10:49 am
[Here, Marina, have a Nepeta curled up in a towel pile and wailing loudly.]

CAAAIIIIIIIIN! Efurrybody's goooone! [Fefurry and Terezi and Kanaya are, at the very least. :((]

[[ooc:I registered on the ooc post, and since I was never removed from the comm, I figured this was fine!]]
[ Video - Action ]
15 August 2011 at 11:11 pm
[When the feed comes on, all that can really be seen are thin pages with a seemingly endless supply of secrets hidden within. Then the camera adjust and for a brief moment two bright red irises in a sea of gold can be seen before the troll sets the headset aside. The Signless is in the library, going through the various shelves of books. He's not the violent sort, but instead delving into all of these works. They are opportunities to learn more, after all. Anything that can aid him in his endeavors on his home world. Yes, he knows that he will be put back somehow. After all, there is another that is to come after him.

He picks back up the headset, shifting its weight around in his hand

For a prison, it seems that those here are blessed instead of cursed.

[Does he know that it's recording? If he does or doesn't, the Signless doesn't seem to give any hints either way. He simply continues on what he has been doing and that's all there is to say on the matter. ]
15 August 2011 at 06:57 pm
[Her Condescension, Empress of trolls, is very displeased with this situation. You can tell by her expression, her eyes narrowed behind her glasses, her lower lip jutted out. She adjusts the various bangles on her arms, takes her tiara off and sets it on her head again at a slightly adjusted angle. She doesn't speak through any of this, but finally after several moments of silence she speaks up.]

What is this? [She hisses it, but it comes out far too cheerful to sound threatening. She can't help it, her voice is musical no matter what tone she uses.

She gives the camera an expectant look. Someone sure better answer her soon, or somebody's gonna get culled.]
[ voice | action | open ]
15 August 2011 at 06:56 pm
[ he's off in the butterfly pavilion, holding his head. it's kind of like a whiplash, being in one place and then another. here he had been, laughing at Ampora in the horn pile and BAM. now there are these flutter beasts with flowers that Sollux would be giving to his bees. sure, he's read over the message several times, but everything is kind of setting him off. approach with caution, since this is one troll that does not appreciate being plucked from the Veil and sent into a prison.

then he stops looking around and actually listens. wait a minute.  there's a distinct lack of noise in his head. ]

What the fuck happened to the voithes? I'm not complaining about that lothh, but don't go fucking around with thomeone'th powerth, you grubfithted, nookthuckerth!
[Action | Video] [Open]
10 August 2011 at 01:01 am
[ (1) Action]

[if you’re strolling by the waterfall in one of the parks early this morning, you might catch sight of a hooded figure, draped in voluminous, heavily-embroidered white robes, kneeling beside it. Is it somebody squeaking in a bit of meditation before they start their day?]

[not quite. There’s a welcome basket sitting next to them, with the contents undisturbed except for the open bag of pretzels… and what is that they’re praying over? A communicator? That earpiece looks a bit strange, and the screen isn’t shaped quite right, either. And there’s something else: three large, articulated metal tendrils, emerging from folds in the back of this person’s robes, are hovering around the device. Two have some kind of specialized attachments on their ends, but all three are tipped with a good-sized claw, and these are opened menacingly towards the communicator, twitching a bit.]

[OOC: Felicia refuses to put on the communicator until she’s put it through some close scrutiny and cleansing rituals, so tag in with “(1) Action” in the subject line to interrupt her and say good morning! She won’t understand you, of course, but you can still give it a shot. (Only folks from outside her canon tag this option, please!)]


[Video | (2) Action]

[the scene on the video does a nauseating summersault of blue, green, and white as Felicia turns the communicator over in her hands, but resolves itself into a view of the grassy hillock beside the waterfall once she clips the device over the sleek augmetic that serves her for a right ear. Felicia herself, now front and center, gives a cautious, yet friendly smile to whoever may be watching.]

Well! A vox, pictscreen, and translator, all at once—what an intriguing little piece of heretek this is! Completely unsanctified, of course. Any devout servant of the Omnissiah would break it to pieces in an instant. But, as it seems I’d hardly be able to get anything done without the thing, perhaps some transgressions may be pardoned, under the circumstances. Isn’t there another soul here who speaks proper Gothic?
[she chuckles dryly]

Oh dear, but I am getting ahead of myself. Magos Felicia Tayber of Perlia, reporting. To ask the first of innumerable questions, now that I’ve a way of reaching a wider audience: just where, in the name of the Emperor, have I fetched up? On what warp-cursed rock the Eloquois Ocean is located on, I’m afraid I haven’t the foggiest.

[OOC: put “Video” or “(2) Action” in the subject line for this option. Cain and Gaunt, tag in here!]
09 August 2011 at 05:52 am
-- Vri?

Where the fuck are you? Movin' out without tellin' me you were goin' to isn't fuckin' finny when everyone keeps disappearin' on me here, all right? You know that, so just fuckin' answer me already and get back here.

[All he can think about right now is... There was absolutely no way she could have just moved out without rubbing it in his face, first...

There's currently an awful feeling in his collapsing and expanding bladder based aquatic vascular system.

... Is this what it really feels like to be forever alone?]

Please, not again...
[bulletin board post]
01 August 2011 at 07:45 pm
[ there's a note posted on the board in the shelter. it reads:

You, a pregnant woman and a convicted murderer are on a boat that is sinking.

Only two of you can survive.

Who lives?

the note is in precise, straight print and is unsigned. other cards and pens lay near the board. ]

((ooc: Note-jacking is a-ok on this post! Giving permission individually is not necessary! :D))
[Action | Open] Swordsmanship Class!
20 July 2011 at 11:30 am
[When Cain stepped into the dojo for his morning warm-ups, it had looked like a small tornado had passed through. Which, of course, presented a problem for his class at noon. Rather than tempt his students into contributing to the dojo's unfortunate destruction, or into using the splintered equipment to shank each other, he decides to hold class outside in the open field nearby.]

[Students can find both Cain and Gaunt there, with salvaged equipment on hand.]

Sword fighting isn't just about training the body. If we're going to have any hope of turning this into an art rather than an exercise whacking each other with sticks, it's time to start exercising our minds.

We're going to start with a bit of meditation today. You're going to sit down, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Shed your thoughts and focus on your breathing.

[And after that, the usual lessons in whacking each other with sticks will ensue, with Gaunt as a guest/co-instructor!]

((OOC: Specify the time of class in your action headers~ Cain's classes are, as always, mingle-style, so feel free to tag with each other as you please! ...Though Cain might threadjack to make :| faces at people who start whispering during the meditation portion.))
[video | action]
15 July 2011 at 09:51 pm
[It's been a long time since they've felt stirrings like these. There's a restlessness in their movements, the subtle, minor twitches of a caged animal. Anger simmers and throbs underneath their skin, and anyone who walks through the park will see the cruel and angry gouges within the earth and trees that marks their passing.]

Have you ever killed before, fellow inmates? If so, what did it feel like to you? [They truly want to know, and though there might be a grin on their face, their expression is pensive.]

((OOC: Potential for fights here, if you tick 'em off enough! Fair warning. <3))
[Action | Open]
12 July 2011 at 09:42 pm
[Schuldig is sitting in the park. He's figured this is best place to try and find his top three potential targets. If they walk by, he might be able to catch them and be able to find them easier later. For the moment, he is waiting... waiting... looking for other potential victims who might amuse him until he can fulfill his "promise" to Ava. So he is sitting in the park, randomly doodling on the ground with stick to attract attention and get people to stay around longer so he can read them]

[ooc: Here's Schu. He's target hunting. No attacking without previous plotting, but he will read minds. Be careful... he just might draw what your character is thinking to freak them out]
[Action | Open]
09 July 2011 at 08:01 pm
[As evening falls on another fair night in Marina, Cain is doing his usual patrol rounds. Only this time, he has accompaniment: none other than Colonel-Commissar Gaunt, freshly deputized and weaponized for the Defense Force.]

[Though Cain keeps a sharp eye for danger and an ear on the network for the same, the night seems fairly calm and peaceful, so there's room for friendly chatter and banter as they make their way along their patrol route.]

((OOC: You're welcome to tag both, or just one of the commissars! Just indicate in your subject, please.))
[ Action/Voice/Video | Open | Backdated to Noonish ]
09 July 2011 at 04:50 pm
[ He's strolling at what seems a casual pace through the prison streets, hands in the pockets of his hoodie. He's got Edgeworth's headset on, toggling the map and broadcast settings as he does. The man had stormed out of the apartment without a word earlier that day and, after some time glorious waffling, he decided to finally get up and look for the younger. Even if the prosecutor was angry with him, he should probably have his communicator.

He won't say he's sorry. There was no point in Edgeworth throwing a tantrum in the early hours of the morning, especially after the incident he had a few days before. He knew that Miles wasn't the type to give up until he won, so it was best for all that he step in and stalemate the occasion. It had been pretty funny, though. ]

Hey. Has anyone seen a guy named Edgeworth around? He's a pretty big guy, grey hair - probably overdressed in an off-shade of pink.

Alternatively, has anyone seen a trail of frostbitten bodies or a real heavy concentration of ill-will?

(( OOC: Anyone trying to contact Edgeworth will get Nick instead, as Nick has his communicator (and is broadcasting from it). For action posts, one can see Nick wandering down the street or looking into buildings. This rp is set just before Edgeworth's coffee shop post. ))
09 July 2011 at 12:56 pm
Does anyone else feel like this place is becoming too small?

[His words start off slowed, reluctant, almost regretful - but then there's a note of humour in his voice.]

I mean, what if we end up all stuffed in together, ten people to a room? The dome isn't expanding but the population is. We'll be a jar of pickles. [He means the thing people say about sardines.

Ryoji's outside - when is he ever inside, if he can help it - lying on his back on one of the park's picnic tables. After today, he needed fresh air and dark skies and quiet - even if he's not doing a very good job of obtaining it.
05 July 2011 at 11:12 am
Denizens of Marinaland, [meaningful cane pointing here,] I greet you as your new overlord. Follow me.

[He's on video, but he's going to start walking regardless. You better be following. :|]

My legend dates back to the twelfth century.

From the looks of you, you are all in serious need of conditioner and top hats, but I will excuse your poor manners for the time being. [He's had ample time to observe and judge, after all.] Now tell me, which one of you will be my wielder. Single file, one at a time. I will be inspecting your lapels for quality assurance. The nicer the lapels, the more capable the man.

[He flicks his own, for emphasis.]
[ Event: Summer Solstice Festival ]
29 June 2011 at 12:23 pm
[ Around noon, the robots that had been swarming the beach scatter, leaving a transformed landscape in their wakes. There are volleyball nets set up in the sand, along with colorful umbrellas and blankets beneath them. Part of the water has been sectioned off for water polo, while inflatable rafts in fanciful shapes are ready for use in the open area.

Ringing the beach are food stands serving street and festival foods: chin chin, takoyaki and taiyaki, aloo tikki, sabikh, empanada, hot dogs, ice cream and shaved ice, and suchlike. There is one stand where a robot serves an alcoholic punch not completely unlike sangria. Several of the other stands also serve non-alcoholic drinks. Clean up robots zoom from place to place, picking up garbage. ]