[Action | Open] evening
14 June 2012 at 08:58 pm
[Conrad's eyes flicker when the dome lights go out, the passage of time having gone unnoticed until now. He has no concern for the time, nor how long he's been kneeling here. His eyes remain focused down into his lap, at the face gazing up at him, framed in wisps of windblown hair. His hand cradles delicate fingers, his careful fingertip tracing the curl of an index finger. The barest touch, slow enough to almost seem still.]

[The face holding his attention is porcelain-white, eyes dull and flat, flawed with tiny fissures. The hand, divorced from the body where it once belonged. Across his lap and spread around in a wide halo are crumbles of white stone -- the same stone that compose the face and hand. Interrupting the silence is a quiet sound. The slightest crackling, like the first drops of rain on an arid tundra.]

[She could easily be mistaken for a fallen statue, as if she were never flesh at all, but for the too-true sadness on the girl's sculpted face, the perfect molding of her hand against his.]

[These few bits of stone are all that remain of Diva. His Diva. And as soon as he moves they too will crumble to dust.]

[So here he will stay, for now. Until she breaks completely, he won't let her go.]

((OOC: Anyone on the DF would certainly have knowledge that Diva attacked someone and Saya was fighting her, if you want to have them show! Apologies in advance for Conrad's general unresponsiveness... ^^;;; ))
[ action | voice ]
13 June 2012 at 09:41 pm
[ Something had happened a few days ago. Something had snapped. She felt free and a Diva should never, ever, hold her self back. What she wanted, she took. What she needed, she grasped.

This… politeness was done for.

So she simply ignored the network and the disgusting display of animal love and showed up on Miranda's doorstep. It's a shame she's not there, however, and it's a shame she had to break down the door. Her temper simply isn't the best today. Flicking through Miranda's things, she idly turned on the voice option, speaking… ]

You're not here; are you hiding? I had so much I wanted to say… But if it's a game you want, I'll play. It won't take me long. [ she laughed and cut the feed, snatching up a fluttering scarf from the dresser. It's time to go a hunting! ]

((ooc: Feel free to hit her up in action before she makes it to Miranda's apartment or answer her voice post directly. Everything after that is limited to the scripted parties. As previously discussed. If there's something you want to do or see before the end, please hit up my HMD or private plurk me. This is the end game for Diva. Thank-you everyone!))
[Backdated to late evening Day 169][Private]
10 June 2012 at 08:00 pm
[Yuuri woke up in bed alone, and at first he was sure he'd been dreaming. He blushed as he thought about everything that had happened with Conrad. He blushed through his shower. He blushed through breakfast. He blushed all the way out the door. Maybe something in all that blushing had him missing the note the older man had left for him that explained why he'd left in the night.

But now, hours later as he's getting ready for bed he finds it, and his already large eyes widen further. He sits on the bed, just staring at the words. Sentience message about the chemicals and people acting strangely comes back to him. It was real. It was...really real.

And then the more panicked thought—it was real and he's been keeping Conrad waiting all day! Wasting no more time, he fumbles for his device, thankfully remembering to set it to private if nothing else.]

22 May 2012 at 11:52 pm
[The warnings have already been given, but it's a little too late. The gas was invisible, untraceable to the normal senses. But someone might feel it. The changes in them if they had been close enough, breathed in too much. Too bad they probably wouldn't care after that either.

It's not such a big deal now, is it? Neither is holding back on all those things they keep to themselves, or refusing to do the things they remind themselves are bad or dangerous or against the rules. Who cares about rules anymore? Why not just do what they want? Why should they hide how they feel? Why should they keep hiding who they really are? Who came up with all of these silly unspoken rules anyway?

You do not feel a loss of control. To you, it's like being more in control than you've ever been. And choosing to just go with it. You only have one life to live! Regret, remorse and reservation are all just words to you for the day. Just...try not to die or kill anyone.]

{OOC: Mingle post for the event! Your threads can occur anywhere open to the public in the prison, or not-so-public if you're including a closed thread, too. Although, it is encouraged to make your own post if you're keeping it closed to one or a few individuals. If you think you would rather make your own post instead of tagging it onto this one, please feel free!}
[ video | action ]
14 May 2012 at 11:05 pm
[ Humming fills the device before the soft darkness of black strands shifts as Diva piles her hair on top of her head, letting it fall in a cascade down her bare back. She’s wearing a towel, but not much else and her lips are curled in sated bliss.

She loves the heat, the warmth of a bath against her skin.


Looking up from her quiet repose, she smiles, leaning in close to breath against the shimmering screen of her device. ]

Join me, if you dare. [ she giggled once and then shut off the screen, but not before it catches a glimpse of the towel dropping, of Diva stepping into the sauna, enshrouded in a cloud of steam.

Redolent. ]

((ooc: Someone's up a little early this morning or is it that she hasn't slept at all? Either way, the public bath house in sector 2 is all hers for the moment. Enter if you dare... ♥ ))
[ Mingle ]
04 May 2012 at 09:45 am
[Sector 4 is a beautiful, landscaped residential area of the dome, where you'll find many homes, as well as parks, a butterfly pavilion, and a beach with an observation deck for the dolphins! It might be a little chilly for a swim, since it's still winter, but there's plenty of things to do.]

[Maybe you're visiting a friend here, or want to get zen by the meditation waterfall, or sit by the koi pond, or admire the massive cherry blossom tree still in full bloom. Or maybe you're just passing through on your way to the coffee shop in Sector 5 or the arcade in Sector 3, and waiting for people to ambush you!]

[So what are you doing? Anytime of day, with anyone! Just put down your characters and tag around!]
[Video | Action to housemates]
03 May 2012 at 07:25 pm
[Movement knocks the screen, the entire video shaking as it abruptly begins to record, everything a quick blur, the head piece hanging at awkward angle, as though half removed. Footsteps pound upon the ground, the hurried breathing of one out of breath coming in heavy pants

At last, he's cornered. Petite though she is, her aura is intimidating, drawn up so that despite her size, she seems to loom, a corner of her mouth curling into a wicked grin. Fangs visible her tongue flicks out to moisten soft lips. Predator and prey is clear, positions set as the boy stares at the long haired brunette from within his corner. The hungry gaze of the girl unwavering, it remains fixed on him, her foot drawing a step closer toward his person.]

You thought you could run, but you should have known better, Yuuri-kun. [Head tilting, each step forward echoes upon the tiled floor, one foot after the other, pace unhurried.] There's no escape for you now.

[He laughs nervously as he tries pushing back against the unyielding wall.]

Y-Yuuki, aren't you being too serious about this? You can't really be this hungry. ....Right?

[She doesn't seem to pause, however, undeterred.] The chase really worked up my appetite. [One hand gliding to his chest, she gently presses her slender fingers against him, the movement light while her other hand lifts to slowly wind around his neck.]

Once I sink my teeth in, I'm not letting go. So prepare yourself...

[OOC: Yuuki is the purple, while Yuuri is the blue.]
[video/action] I Never Game!
26 April 2012 at 03:09 pm
[ greetings, Marina. Hawke again. today she just tosses a wave at the camera. ]

Let it never be said I was good at planning... well, anything... but I came across something that sounded like a bit of harmless fun. Not that it has to stay that way. [ winks ]

It's a charming little drinking game called "I Never". And if at least half of us are passed out on the floor by the time the evening's over, I'll consider it a success. The tavern would have been my first choice, but as it met a rather sad end... shall we say around eight o'clock? In the club?

((OOC: Forward-dated action in the comments! Enjoy!))

Index )
17 April 2012 at 05:31 am
I have heard that there are those who would call themselves demons living among us.

[Fenris' expression is one of casual disdain. It is clear that he does not think highly of you demon-types.]

Even those whom I once believed to be reasonable. Show yourself, should you have the courage.

[He doesn't have a weapon to beat you all down with, but he'd at least like to know who to keep an eye on. What makes him think people will be honest? Well.

Better to ask, right?]
[ Video - filtered from Saya | Action ]
16 April 2012 at 11:20 pm
[ the feed clicks on to catch Hei quickly smoothing his hair flat. He's look a touch different then usual today with his green parka mislaid and walking briskly through the streets with naught but jeans and a button down white shirt on. It's definitely colder then he would like for this kind of attire but that doesn't stop him from speaking as he navigates the sidewalk. ]

Roommates. How do you handle them without... getting in each others way constantly?

[ Yes, folks. He doesn't know how to handle living with someone when he's used to one room apartments and changing cities every few months. And having a mark stay with him a night or two is a completely different agenda then, well... cohabiting. Waylay him on the way from Sector 3 to the shelter if one must. Assuming, that is, you can catch him. ]
[Gamewide Mingle: Thanksgiving]
07 April 2012 at 08:25 pm
[At the entrance to Sector 5, several very long tables have been set up outside. Low light is provided by street lamps hung up just for the occasion, a cozy dining room in the middle of the street. There's turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams, cranberry sauce, and many, many other Thanksgiving favorites. A warm, printed message at the center of the table asks:

In the tradition of the holiday known as Thanksgiving, please feel free to enjoy this meal and think about all the things over the last year for which you are most grateful.

Come one, come all! Food covers the tables, enough for the prison's entire population, courtesy of the bots. Have a nice big dinner with your fellow inmates, and get your CR on!]
04 April 2012 at 04:43 pm
[It was a nice day and Ashura like the out doors. So why not go outside? He headed for the park, picking a fairly well flushed out tree to settle beneath and simply enjoy the warmth of the season. Soon enough he was drifting asleep.

But it was not a restful sleep.

Anyone who wanders by will see the scrunching of his brow, the tossing of his head, a minute sort of panic. His hands clench and unclench, muscles twitch, sweat falls down his face. He really should be woken up, but for whatever reason, the dream holds him captive.

A quiet, distressed sound leaves him. Hopefully, that catches the attention of any good samaritans nearby.]
[Action | Open] Backdated
18 March 2012 at 02:09 pm
[He'd spent a good bit of the day watching it wherever he could. Windows, still water, mirrors, anything that would work. Currently, Conrad finds himself standing before the koi pond with a soft smile. The ocean would have been more fitting, but the very waves that made it so also made it a poor surface for a reflection.]

[His wish is simple enough. And though different each time, there's only one thing that matters: Yuuri. Seeing him smile in that unfettered way of his, not a worry to be had. This particular time they're in the dome still, throwing a baseball around and chatting easily, Wolfram off to the side with an easel and palate.]

[And Diva -- she's nowhere in the water's surface. But she is back at the tower, waiting for him. Just another moment and he'll go. He'll risk her punishment if he can have a few more glimpses of this.]
Wish prank mingle
13 March 2012 at 02:41 am
Deep Puck thoughts that mostly amount to 'be more fun, guys' )

The actual spell )

[OOC: Feel free to thread amongst yourself, anywhere in the dome! Here's the OOC post for details.]
05 March 2012 at 09:38 pm
Good morning. [A distinguished looking gentleman has learned how to turn on his communicator, and he is looking quite comfortable, considering the fact that he’s just learned he has been locked up for life in a prison he’s never heard of.]

I do hate to be a bother to my new warden, guards, and fellow inmates, but as you might fathom, I have some questions. Might you indulge a poor old man with a few answers? [Have his best, winning smile, Marina!]
[Action | Open]
20 February 2012 at 08:25 pm
[His good mood from yesterday is somewhat dampened, but only because of where Conrad's headed. Hope and smiles unfortunately can't keep his hunger at bay forever, and having been torn into bloody shreds 36 hours ago hadn't made matters better. Hence, a trip to the shelter kitchens that's made much longer and more uncomfortable by enough weakness to be discouraging.]

[Once he arrives, he pulls out one of Acumen's blood packs and then -- proceeds to weigh it in his hand, considering. Diva may not even notice the smell, and after being back to himself for those days the idea of feeding on a person -- well, he'd be lying to call it repulsive, but he doesn't want to go that far again.]

[On the other hand, he'd returned to Diva to find her surrounded by torn up bits of dolls. If he displeases her again... imagining the floor coated with his King's or his brother's blood is making him hesitate.]

((OOC: There will be absolutely no vamp-attacks, so feel free to chat him up at the kitchen or on his way there. It's probably pretty obvious by his pallor that he's not feeling great no matter how he denies it, which he will XD;;))
13 February 2012 at 11:01 pm
[Anri's enjoying the relative quiet and fresh air of the early morning, happily oblivious to the day's mischief... and partly just blissfully oblivious. Find her near the water or, somewhat less likely, kneeling outside the pet cafe's transparent windows and simply watching the animals, her expression pulled to detachment.

She has no idea what today has in store.]
13 February 2012 at 03:58 pm
[ well, it's a nice day today. all moved in to a big house, which is a -- really, really weird feeling, not gonna lie. he's got a patrol to do, and a lot of cooking to get done before Flynn can think to try, but that's fine. seems like it'll probably be a pretty quiet day.

oh, little does he know.

he'll be over at Brave Vesperia HQ in the afternoon; in the morning, you might find him in his shiny new house in Sector 5, and you can also find him hanging out in the arcade or maybe just idly scouting out the fight club's arena. come one, come all! ]

((ooc: RNG for the kind of bot that catches you with Yuri, but I'm up for anything! He will be cool about it, and a pretty good kisser. ♥))
[mingle] Mistletoe Bots
13 February 2012 at 04:14 pm
[Lovely day for being in any open, common area of the dome, isn't it? Of course there is a chance of kissing bot, but it's always something in the underwater prison.]

(OOC: Check out the OOC post for details. Pucker up! Edit: Links for those with loading problems!)
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[Action | Closed]
12 February 2012 at 04:52 pm
[Strategically, he doesn't straighten his appearance before returning to Diva. His injuries are gone but the dirt and tears remain on his uniform; he hopes they will help his believability, because this story will have to be good.]

[Part of him doesn't wish to lie to his Mistress. He still feels that pull, an instinctive and almost overwhelming need to serve her. But the discussions he's had in the last two days -- those who care for him still, despite his horrific changes -- have given him reason to fight it. He's not entirely certain reason will win out once he sees her, but he has spent as long as he dared steeling himself to it, and there is no more to be done.]

[He enters their rooms, wondering what he will find here, and who he will be when he exits again.]


((OOC: This thread has trigger warnings for violence, trauma, and potentially sexual content depending on Diva's mood OTL ))