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Feb. 16th, 2013


text messages

TO: Fred, Remy
FROM: Ivan
(1/2) i am a dirty old man now >:)
(2/2) feliz cumpleanos to me!

TO: Libby
FROM: Ivan
good morning


WHO: Libby Ross & Ivan Bruckner
WHAT: After this phonecall Libby needs to let her hair down. And besides, it's Ivan's birthday.
WHEN: Friday, Feb 15. Evening.
WHERE: At the Dance.
STATUS: Complete.

Actually getting high, after the entry she'd posted, would only make Libby look like Lindsay Lohan mid-trainwreck. )


WHO: Libby Ross (& Marcus Wilton, npc).
WHAT: A phonecall about yesterday's email that doesn't go down so well.
WHEN: Friday, 15 Feb. Evening, an hour before the dance.
WHERE: Phone.
WARNINGS: Language. And :(s.
STATUS: Complete.

Oh look, Libby pretending to be mature and failing? Check. )

Feb. 15th, 2013


WHO: Libby Ross [NEW ZEALAND] & Juli Jimenez [SPAIN]
WHAT: Libby clues Juli in
WHEN: Evening of Wednesday, February 13
WHERE: Libby’s room, 6b
STATUS: done

It was a rude, out-of-the-blue slap to the face. )


during internet hours.

TO: Marcus Wilton <marwil95@gmail.com>
FROM: Libby Ross <lross@ivi.edu.au>
happy valentine's day.


you know what fucking sucks? I can't even send you a joke e-card anymore. way to fuck up a friendship genius.


Feb. 14th, 2013


TO: Sadie
how have you been doing lately?

TO: Elise
what the hell is going on with our team NOW? aside from the obvious.

TO: Callum
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Feb. 7th, 2013


WHO: Julieta Jimenez [SPAIN] and Libby Ross [NEW ZEALAND]
WHAT: Talking by the pool about nothing consequential
WHEN: February 7, evening
WHERE: By the pool
STATUS: done

... )

Feb. 8th, 2013


texts from libby.

TO: Elise
95 is still insane. how's 91?

TO: Callum
[UNSENT] when do you want to watch another movie?
[UNSENT] 95 is insane
[UNSENT] bored

TO: Juli
pool later?

Feb. 6th, 2013



WHO: Libby Ross & Elise van Leeuwen
WHAT: Elise and her pseudo-little-sister chatter about the romantic drama in Team Eagle, plus relationships & boys in general.
WHEN: Shortly after the Brad/Juli breakup, possibly last week idek
WHERE: Team training.

I mean, in boarding school nothing's really that discreet, but there's those who just bare it all and others who at least try to keep it to themselves. )

Jan. 30th, 2013


TO: Sadie
FROM: Juli
you and seth can have the room forever for having sex because i will never have sex and will never need the room to myself for anything ever again.

TO: Libby
FROM: Juli
that thing you said on saturday about finding someone to make out with? find one for me, too.

Jan. 31st, 2013


WHO: Juli & Libby.
WHEN: BACKDATED Saturday, 26 January.
WHERE: Libby's room.
WARNINGS: Underaged drinking.
STATUS: Complete.

They’re a multinational organization that’s convinced like a hundred countries to to send their Vols to the middle of Australia. Changing the drinking age on the IVI compound can’t be more difficult than that was. )

Jan. 30th, 2013


WHO: Libby and Callum
WHAT: Movie Night
WHEN: Tuesday Night
WHERE: Callum's room
STATUS: complete

It was just a stupid movie and a friend with a familiar accent from home who wasn't dealing with some kind of intense grief at having had their friend murdered only a month prior. )


TO: Moa
FROM: Callum

Hey. How are you doing?

TO: Libby
FROM: Callum

foreign tv tonight, hope?

Jan. 6th, 2013


WHO: Julieta Jimenez and Libby Ross
WHAT: Talking about the kidnappings, etc
WHEN: Right after the away teams return
WHERE: Infirmary
STATUS: complete

... )

Jan. 7th, 2013


WHO: Brad Swartz & Libby Ross
WHAT: Ice cream freezers are the new cool spot. Instant rim shot dot com.
WHEN: When everyone's back at IVI? I don't know dates anymore.
WHERE: Outside the infirmary and c-store.
STATUS: Complete.

Life would be easier to deal with if she could just ignore it and sit in front of an ice cream freezer. )


WHO: Callum Nightingale & Libby Ross.
WHAT: Sleepless in IVI.
WHEN: 7 Jan? Early morning.
WHERE: Main Common Room.
STATUS: Complete.

I could be the answer to your wishes. )

Jan. 4th, 2013


The night before the rescue, 4 am

Phone log, Rashida and Libby )

Jan. 1st, 2013


WHO: Lena Gevelinger and Libby Ross
WHAT: Lena isn't very good at comforting people and Libby is the poor victim of that.
WHERE: IVI cafeteria.
WHEN: BACKDATED to lunchtime on December 30th
STATUS: Complete.

The last thing anyone needed was a comatose Kiwi in the midst of the panic and rescuing and tracking and whatever else was happening in those safe houses. )


TO: Callum
FROM: Libby

are you ok? that's 3 now. i kind of feel sick. i feel sick.

Dec. 29th, 2012


sent before any rescuing commenced

TO: Callum
FROM: Libby

guess you volunteered bc I can't see you at ivi. where are you?

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