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December 2nd, 2012

[info]polarity in [info]invol_rpg


To: Remy Duchamp [France]
From: Ellie Wolf [Austria]
in French because sometimes Ellie tries
(1/2) are you okay?
(2/2) where are you?

To: Audra Deroux [France]
From: Ellie Wolf [Austria]
Also, in French.
are you staying here tonight?

To: Logan Hastings [USA]
From: Ellie Wolf [Austria]
Still not going to pub night. Still hate this place.

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Vic Reyes and Hunter MacKenna.
WHEN: Saturday evening, at the beginning of Pub Night.
WHERE: Just outside the warehouse.
WHAT: Vic meets Hunter to retrieve the promised drink tickets and tries to have a conversation.
WARNINGS: Violence and other horrible awfulness.
STATUS: Complete.

We don't have to talk, we can just... I just miss you. )

[info]strongarms in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Daisy Hughes & Victor Reyes.
WHAT: After way too many drinks, Vic heads outside for some fresh air. Daisy follows him and a discussion about Hunter and their relationships with him ensues.
WHEN: Late tonight, December 1st.
WHERE: Outside of Pub Night.
WARNINGS: Woe and despair.
STATUS: Complete log.

For once in her life, the people Daisy cared about were having problems and she didn't have the slightest clue as to how to help fix them. )

[info]allegs in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Allegra Hawke & Mark Hawke (NPC)
WHAT: Allegra calls her dad to talk out his comments about Vols and... It doesn't end so well.
WHEN: Saturday, 1 December.
WARNINGS: Language.
STATUS: Complete.

That wasn't even the worst one! )

[info]itsvanhogh in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Els Murong & Henne Meijer
WHAT: Els tries to IM her boyfriend except Henne isn't actually online so she just talks to herself for 15 minutes
WHEN: During internet hours, Saturday night. Or ~midday Amsterdam time.
WHERE: One of the girls' tower lounges idk
STATUS: Complete


[info]veterinary in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Nathan Mitchell and Claudia Corbett
WHAT: Talking about the beach, home and cute animals
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday of the Beach Weekend
WHERE: On a Boat! Swan Beach
STATUS: Complete

The ocean was on the top-five list of things Nathan missed the most )

[info]facebookaholic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Vajesse!
WHAT: Lana's power wears off
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Jesse's room
WARNINGS: Language
STATUS: Complete

the ~*~spell~*~ was broken )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

A deluge of texts

To: Oden and Erik (group message)
From: Moa

I'm so glad I have you.

* * *

To: Mette
From: Moa

(1) I think I'm unscared enough to stop lying now.
(2) Or maybe just scared enough to stop.
(3) We should eat waffles again soon.

* * *

To: Jace
From: Moa

(1) Lexapro 20 mg, starting today.
(2) They say I might get worse before I get better.
(3) This is kind of scary.

* * *

To: Cheska
From: Moa

I don't think I ever said thanks for being so nice to me during the dreams. So thank you.

* * *

To: Neve
From: Moa

(1) Sorry for waking you up so much lately.
(2) I have things to make me sleep, I'll be a better roommate now I think.
(3) At night anyway.

* * *

To: Leigh
From: Moa

I'm really sorry I've been so weird Thanks for the survival pack! I forgot to say that earlier.

* * *

To: Kris
From: Moa

I have been lying to you and I'm really sorry Thanks for not telling people I slept during training. I will do better, I promise. I even slept last night.

[info]beaconing in [info]invol_rpg

texts sent sunday afternoon

TO: [SWANS - CORALIE], [ZOMBIE CREW], Mette, Toni, Understanding, Astrid
FROM: Benjie Aquino-Robinson

So, I have my own room now - I'm in 6b. To celebrate you should all come over after dinner and we'll have a party.

TO: Carmela
FROM: Benjie

I owe you a really big apology, and I'm sorry I haven't said anything before now. I honestly didn't mean anything I said to you when I was being an ass, I was just - being an ass, really, and trying to drive everyone away. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know.

TO: Lilja, Astrid
FROM: Benjie

Thanks again for your hospitality, it basically saved my sanity. You're welcome to come and take advantage of my currently spare bed any time.

[info]deceleration in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Sam Thompson [USA] and Mariana Bezerra da Silva [BRAZIL]
WHAT: Jumping on the ‘melodramatic feelz’ train. Mariana continues to be a mess, Sam continues to be a huge sucker.
WHEN: Backdated to Wednesday afternoon.
WHERE: Gymnasium.
STATUS: Complete Log.

If you’re not sleeping with anyone else, I guess I just don’t see how you’re not my girlfriend, you know? )

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Jasmine
FROM: Omar
damn girl u fine

TO: Carter, Sol
FROM: Omar
fightin vic today if u wanna come

[info]flamini in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jesse Dean [USA] and Bianca Flamini [ITALY]
WHAT: Jesse is drowning his post-Vanessa sorrows in drink and Bianca helps him forget.
WHEN/WHERE: Pub night, December 1st.
STATUS/RATING: Complete! No warnings necessary.

No matter how many showers he'd taken or how many times he'd washed his mouth out, the memory of Vanessa, the way her lips tasted, the way the soft stretch of skin across her waist felt -- it all burned brightly in his mind and the more he wanted to forget, the less he could. )