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December 1st, 2012

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Mikael Eiriksson and Julieta Jimenez
WHAT: Julieta bugs Mikael while he was planning on studying
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon, after the kidnapping news
WHERE: Library to the dorms
STATUS: Complete

Mikael had this annoying tendency not to treat someone screeching his name as something worth immediately reacting to )

[info]detections in [info]invol_rpg

text → saturday afternoon.

TO: Vic
FROM: Hunter
hey, did you see the
are you
fuck them for comparing you to
i just wanted to say

still taking my drink tickets tonight? meet me out front at the beginning.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Joanie Fitzgerald.
WHAT: A voicemail from Mike's sister following the outbreak of anti-Vol news.
WHERE: San Diego, CA.
WHEN: Sometime on Saturday.
STATUS: Complete.

I mean, like, you can't keep it secret anymore, Mikey, it's out there, it's like, everywhere. )

[info]drinkme in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Ted Hackett
FROM: Remy Duchamp

birds of a feather?

[info]mermayd in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Hugo
FROM: Hailey
i just saw
is that why you didn't want to tell me what

hey. how are you? i saw i saw the documentary.

[info]siggeirsson in [info]invol_rpg

Documentary Plot Post

The leak of 'Vols at Large; Violence & Terror' starts out with the best of intentions. A young woman interning at a major news network manages to sneak a copy of the early footage home with her. She counts herself as a champion of Vol rights, an avid blogger and social activist. When she uploads the documentary to a file-sharing site and posts it, she wants the world to see how awful it is. How wrong it is that people can think like this about people. About children.

By the time action is taken and the file is deleted from the server, it's too late. It's been downloaded and rehosted a dozen times over. Word spreads. It trends. It goes viral by noon on Saturday. )

More and more articles and news pieces emerge each day, plaguing the students each time they're granted internet access.

[[hey guys. so, here is the post, feel free to use it for post fodder/gossip/outrage. I tried my best to cover everyone who volunteered their char with a nice, salacious blurb whilst also leaving things open for you guys to develop the way you want to. if you object to something i've put in about your char, just drop a comment here and I'll do an edit.]]

[info]c6h12o6 in [info]invol_rpg


To: Davi
From: Jimmy

(1/2) Been your roommate since July.
(2/2) And that stupid Internet picture ain't the Davi I know.

To: Mimir
From: Jimmy

(1/2) Knowed you since July.
(2/2) You ain't that person in that stupid Internet picture.

To: Enely
From: Jimmy

(1/2) Don't know you that good
(2/2) But know you didn't mean to hurt me or nobody else

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Moa Enquist, screen appearances by her family (older brother, nieces, nephew, mention of sister-in-law).
WHAT: This is rock bottom. The only way now is up, but I couldn’t leave you without another pile of oh-woe-is-me. It’s long. And depressing. And her power saves the day. Thank you, whoever said something mean about her hair at exactly the right time.
WHEN: the evening of Friday November 30th and morning of Saturday December 1st, so last night and this morning.
WHERE: Moa’s room, the quad, the lake, etc. Also her brother’s kitchen.
WARNINGS: In additional to the usual tedious feels there’s suicidal thoughts, what she’ll never ever admit to being an attempt of this (it’s vague, no blood, nothing too creepy, but still if this stuff bothers you, don’t read), paranoia and lots of crying. And also, children singing.
STATUS: Complete

“Moa, you were never here.” )

[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Moa Enquist, Oden Bbjornstrand
WHAT: Moa wants to talk to Oden. RIGHT NOW.
WHEN: Saturday morning, 5 am...ish.
WHERE: Outside Oden's room, I think.
WARNINGS: Feels. Lots of feels. And sadness.
STATUS: In progress - may or may not be continued in comments because Leigh is too busy to log but I made her do it anyway.

I honestly don't know what to put as a cut text )

[info]suggestively in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Lucey Goosey
FROM: Laurel
MESSAGE: bit disappointed we weren't in that vid. it'd have made for one hell of a coming out story.

TO: Callum, Teddy, Jo, Vic, Hugo, Mars Bar, Lottie's BF (separately)
FROM: Laurel
MESSAGE: will i be seeing you at pub night? :*

[info]elusive_control in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Asylum Kids
FROM: Edwin Seabeck <eseabeck@ivi.au.edu>
SUBJECT: Schroedinger's Tent

I've secured a tent and I think I've got a good place in mind staked out for those so inclined. So far, we've got Werewolf and Cards Against Humanity to distract us and chocolate cake because, honestly, there is never a bad time for cake. See below for reminder of the whole point of this. Feel free to brink snacks and further distractions for the resetting of reality. 8pm tomorrow night, lets meet in the boys tower lobby and we'll make our way over.


[info]ciaobella in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Raphael Amante [ITALY] and Lena Gevelinger [BELGIUM]
WHAT: Doria posed as Lena. Raphael slept with her. This is the fallout.
WHEN: Pub Night, near closing
WHERE: Pub Night Warehouse
STATUS: Complete Log

If you don't want to be stabbed, you will step away from me and never touch me again. )

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Omar Calderon [PUERTO RICO], mentions of Jasmine & Aisha
WHAT: Omar decides he's not quite given up on Jasmine
WHEN: Saturday, 12/1; beginning of pub night
WHERE: IVI grounds, outside dormitory
WARNINGS: Language, assholery, sex talk, Omar being a misogynist, complete corniness.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

Omar couldn't figure out why he was doing this. )

[info]understander in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Edwin My Secrets-Keeper
FROM: Understanding

TO: Benjie Whom I Have Wronged
FROM: Understanding
Hi Benjie. How have you been?

[info]agrokinetic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Omar Calderón [PUERTO RICO] and Teresa Flores [BRAZIL]
WHAT: Teresa is Not Pleased that Omar wants to pick a flower.
WHEN: Saturday, 12/1; shortly before this log
WHERE: IVI Gardens
WARNINGS: Attempted Crimes?
STATUS: Complete

Really Raphael I think that is enough. )

[info]synergistic in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Allegra Hawke and Caleb Tate
WHAT: It's their 3 monthaversary, so Caleb planned another picnic. Allegra just thinks he really likes picnics. They talk about Christmas.
WHEN: Friday, November 30
WARNINGS: The usual
STATUS: Complete

... )

[info]lyve in [info]invol_rpg


[Per this discussion...]

TO: Shannon Reid
FROM: Mette Skoglund

(1/2) Are you always turned on?
(2/2) Ummmmm your powers I mean
(3/3) This is Mette btw :)